Every weekday at 5:45pm, Allan gives you a tip to help improve your life. It’s WEBE Wellness! It could range from exercise to better sleep to eating healthy. A minute that could help enhance your world.

WEBE Wellness: The Body Part You Forget To Exercise

WEBE Wellness: The Body Part You Forget To Exercise

You go to the gym and you work out your arms, your legs, your back – you do lots of stretching and cardio – you’ve got your whole body covered. Except there’s one part of your body that you use all the time that you’re probably neglecting in a workout – your feet! There are…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Nutrition Myths

WEBE Wellness: Nutrition Myths

You try your best to eat nutritiously…but are there some things you’re doing that aren’t helpful at all? Health experts have put together a list of nutrition myths – and top of the list is that fresh fruit is healthier than frozen. Sometimes canned stuff has added sugar – but whether it’s frozen or dried,…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Strength Training To Reduce Illness

WEBE Wellness: Strength Training To Reduce Illness

Working out and building muscle isn’t just for show – it could help you live a longer, and healthier, life. A new study shows that regular muscle-strengthening can lead to a 10 to 20% lower risk of illnesses including cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. And the best part is all it takes is 30 to…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Taking A Bath Instead Of Exercising?

WEBE Wellness: Taking A Bath Instead Of Exercising?

We know exercise is good to lower our blood pressure, but the motivation to exercise can sometimes be so difficult. So, take a bath instead! Researchers have found many of the same benefits in a hot bath as low-intensity aerobics. After a few minutes your heart rate will rise, and you’ll feel hot – it’s…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: What To Drink With Medication

WEBE Wellness: What To Drink With Medication

Whenever you have a pill to take, you need liquid to swallow it down with. But did you know you might be using the wrong type of drink to chase them with? A new study found that no matter if you take pills at morning, noon, or night, to wash it down with water only.…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Eat Dinner In This Order

WEBE Wellness: Eat Dinner In This Order

You try to eat healthy as a general rule – but there’s something you can be doing that’ll help you out even further – and it all depends on the order you eat your foods. No matter what you do, eat starchy and sugary stuff last. There’s real science behind it – it helps if…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Wearing Antiperspirant While You Sleep?

WEBE Wellness: Wearing Antiperspirant While You Sleep?

Sweating – it’s something that we all do. But apparently, simply wearing antiperspirant isn’t enough – it’s when you apply it. And while you probably do it in the morning before you get dressed, come to find out that’s wrong! It should be at night before bed! Antiperspirant does just that – it prevents you…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Tricks To Stop Sweating So Much

WEBE Wellness: Tricks To Stop Sweating So Much

Now that it’s getting much warmer, do you find yourself sweating a bit more than normal? If you find that no matter the temperature that you sweat more than you’d like, there are a few steps you can take to curb it: First – change what you eat – spicy food make us sweat, but…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Caffeine Delay

WEBE Wellness: Caffeine Delay

You wake up in the morning and you have a cup of coffee. That’s how your day starts – but, instead of having that first cup right away, if you give yourself some time, it may be better for you. Caffeine delay is a new trend – it’s where you wait an hour or so…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: How To Have A Heart-Healthy Active Summer

WEBE Wellness: How To Have A Heart-Healthy Active Summer

As the days are longer, we’re more active than ever. But to keep active and stay active, you want your heart to be healthy to keep up with everything that you’re doing. The American Heart Association has some tips on how to have a heart-healthy summer: Stay Hydrated – water is best, but plenty of…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: What To Do After A Long Weekend Overeating

WEBE Wellness: What To Do After A Long Weekend Overeating

Coming off a three-day holiday weekend, you probably felt like you ate way too much – I know I had too many hot dogs – but after you overeat, what should you do? Because, you know it’s going to happen again next holiday. Nutritionists say don’t immediately change your eating habits or fast – the…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Staying Healthy At A Holiday Barbecue

WEBE Wellness: Staying Healthy At A Holiday Barbecue

The holiday weekend is nearly here, so there’s a good chance you’ll be going to a barbecue – or two or three! But how do you stay healthy when you’re tempted by hamburgers and hot dogs? The best thing to do is come up with a plan first – if you’ve got dietary restrictions, call…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Don’t Go To Bed Angry

WEBE Wellness: Don’t Go To Bed Angry

You’ve heard it before – “Never go to bed angry.” There’s actually some scientific truth to that old adage – and it’s not just conflict issues you may have with a significant other or member of your household. A new study shows if you can resolve issues sooner, or at least start to talk about…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Top Three Ways We Waste Time At Work

WEBE Wellness: Top Three Ways We Waste Time At Work

Did you get everything done at work today you needed to? Are there any timewasters that you’re guilty of? Here are the most common work timewasters that are easily avoided: First – don’t respond to e-mails right away. Each e-mail message is an interruption on whatever you’re working on – you must stop, respond, then…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Beat The Heat Without A/C

WEBE Wellness: Beat The Heat Without A/C

The heat is on! If you’ve been able to manage without A/C so far, or if it breaks and you must go a few days without, there’s a few tips on how to make it through the rest of the summer: Keep windows closed and the blinds drawn – if the air is hot outside…Continue Reading