Every weekday at 5:45pm, Allan gives you a tip to help improve your life. It’s WEBE Wellness! It could range from exercise to better sleep to eating healthy. A minute that could help enhance your world.
WEBE Wellness: The Foods That Wreck Our Health
When it comes to our eating habits, there are some foods you know you should consume in moderation. But there’s a handful that are particularly bad for our diets that you are really doing a number on our bodies, causing damage like weight gain, increased risk of heart disease and stroke, or worse. There are…… Continue Reading
WEBE Wellness: Fat Burning Supplements Already In Your Pantry
Now that you’ll be spending more time inside as the weather cools, you don’t want to get sedentary and put aside your healthy habits. But is there more that you could be doing? Are there supplements that you could take that would help you burn fat? There’s a few – and make sure you consult…… Continue Reading
WEBE Wellness: Yoga…For Your Eyes?!?
Let’s face it – many of us need glasses or contacts or some sort of help for our eyes as we age. For most of us, our vision deteriorates over time. Unless you’re Paul McCartney. He’s still writing and performing, and doesn’t need any vision help because of eye yoga! Back in 2010, he created…… Continue Reading
WEBE Wellness: The Diet That Adds A Decade To Your Lifespan
If you wanted to live a little longer, and all it took was changing your diet, would you do it? How about if it was an extra decade? A new study shows switching to a healthier, more plant-based diet could add ten years to your life for women, and 13 years for men. A lot…… Continue Reading
WEBE Wellness: The Perfect Nap Length
Well we moved the clocks back on Sunday, but maybe you’re still feeling the effects – a nap might help, as long as you don’t sleep too long. According to a specialist in behavorial sleep medicine, the perfect nap is 20 to 30 minutes – any longer, and you start to get into deep sleep,…… Continue Reading
WEBE Wellness: The *One* Veggie You Need To Be Eating
You heard it from mom growing up – make sure you eat your vegetables! But if you don’t like to eat your veggies, and will only put one on your plate, make sure it’s a cruciferous vegetable! What are those? Well broccoli, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts are a few – and they’re loaded with nutrients!…… Continue Reading
WEBE Wellness: The Halloween Candy Dentists Say To Avoid
Just over a week to go until the big day and you already know you’re going to be raiding your kid’s Halloween candy and sneaking a few pieces – but here’s what dentists say to avoid, what candy causes the most havoc on our teeth: #1 is gummies – because they take so long to…… Continue Reading
WEBE Wellness: Why You Should Eat Sauerkraut After All That Halloween Candy!
You’re going to eat a lot of candy tomorrow for Halloween. And the day after. And there’s a good chance you’ve already raided your stash and will need to go out and buy more. But what’s the best way to counter all that sugar you’re ingesting? Have some sauerkraut! When you have too much candy,…… Continue Reading
WEBE Wellness: The Age We Overcome Self-Doubt
Find yourself questioning decisions you made – or feel like you’re constantly consumed with doubt? You’re not alone – many of us go through it from time to time, but when does constant worrying about what others think go away. Well…when you turn 46. A new study shows that it takes us a while to…… Continue Reading
WEBE Wellness: Avoid Getting “Hangry”
It’s not wise to skip meals, but it happens from time to time. And then the inevitable happens when you feel “hangry” – and the angrier you get, the hungrier you get, and it only gets worse. But what, exactly, is happening? Believe it or not, there’s your stomach and your brain are connected. The…… Continue Reading
WEBE Wellness: A Healthy Trick To Weight Loss
Losing weight is difficult – it takes a lot of effort over a long time. The objective is to eat fewer calories, but simply trying to avoid excess calories rarely works. Keeping track of everything you eat and drink and adding them up is a necessary step to take. And keeping a food diary might…… Continue Reading
WEBE Wellness: The Drink To Alleviate Anxiety
Whether you’re someone who feels anxious or not, we all could use something from time-to-time that would help make us feel like we’re in more control. Support from friends and family or professionals, and living a healthy lifestyle are all ways to help manage our anxiety – but one nutritional psychiatrist says a beverage is…… Continue Reading
WEBE Wellness: The Foods That Affects Your Mood
You’ve like heard that “you are what you eat” – and that may be truer than ever before. There’s always been a link between diet and mood, but a new study shows specifically the foods that affect our mental health: • Too much fast food is already bad for our physical health, and your mental…… Continue Reading
WEBE Wellness: The Secret Benefits Of Exercise
We all know that regular exercise helps you burn fat and lower heart disease risks, but there are other more subtle ways you might not expect that exercise helps us. While exercise helps clear our minds, it also helps with memory – enhanced synaptic activity was discovered in a new study, which means you might…… Continue Reading
WEBE Wellness: Signs You’re Not Getting Enough Fiber
You already know fiber is a necessary part of every diet. It aids in digestion, helps keep cholesterol down, and helps reduce the risk of chronic diseases like cancer, cardiovascular disease, and type 2 diabetes. You should be getting 25-35 grams every day – but how do you know if you’re getting enough every day?…… Continue Reading