Every weekday at 5:45pm, Allan gives you a tip to help improve your life. It’s WEBE Wellness! It could range from exercise to better sleep to eating healthy. A minute that could help enhance your world.

WEBE Wellness: Improve Your Mood…For Free!

WEBE Wellness: Improve Your Mood…For Free!

Your workday is over! But if that doesn’t excite you, there’s a few easy things you can do to further improve your mood and, best of all, it’s free! Send a message to someone you haven’t spoken too in a while – even if it’s a meme, reconnecting with a friend is always a mood…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Stick With It To Form New Habits

WEBE Wellness: Stick With It To Form New Habits

Maybe you’ve heard that to make a new habit stick, you’ve got to stick with it for 21 days. But if you’re on Day 20, you may have to keep going a bit longer. Researchers found that the magic 21 number isn’t based on any scientific fact, because other factors are at play, like what…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Why You Should Change When You Brush Your Teeth

WEBE Wellness: Why You Should Change When You Brush Your Teeth

Right before you head to the bedroom every night, you probably (hopefully) brush your teeth. But, if you have trouble falling asleep, consider doing that earlier. Taking a long time to fall asleep may have something to do with your pre-bed routine. And you may need to change it up. Even if you start dozing…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: The Easiest Ways To Burn Calories

WEBE Wellness: The Easiest Ways To Burn Calories

If you’ve put on a few unwanted pounds this winter, now’s the time to start thinking about getting ready for the spring and summer. Experts have a lot of different ways you can burn calories and lose weight – but this is a list of the easiest ones to do! First – sleep more! Sleeping…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: The Bad Side Of Coffee

WEBE Wellness: The Bad Side Of Coffee

In a new study of the most caffeinated states in the country, Connecticut is right in the middle at #27 – not too much, not too little – just enough. And that’s where we want to be, because while an occasional cup of coffee is good for you – there’s antioxidants and the caffeine helps…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Why Sleeping In Is Good For Your Health

WEBE Wellness: Why Sleeping In Is Good For Your Health

If you’re looking forward to this weekend so you can sleep in, there’s good news – it might save your life! A new study found people who slept an hour longer on weekends versus weekdays had lower rates of heart disease. Heart attack and stroke risk decreased compared to those who woke up at their…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Beating Zoom Fatigue

WEBE Wellness: Beating Zoom Fatigue

Over the last few years, we’ve all had to adjust at work – one of the biggest being office meetings. We’ve all become Zoom experts, you’ve got to have the right camera so people can see you, and when someone goes dark on Zoom but still is part of the meeting, you might think they’re…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Eat This 3x A Day To Help Your Heart

WEBE Wellness: Eat This 3x A Day To Help Your Heart

In the U.S., one out of every four deaths are caused by heart disease. Staying active and getting exercise will help against risk for cardiovascular disease, but there are some diet tricks that can help – including eating one type of food three times a day. Whole grains. A new study over the last 18…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Doing Chores To Improve Your Brain Health

WEBE Wellness: Doing Chores To Improve Your Brain Health

Most of us put off having to do household chores – but besides the fact that they need to be done, it can be great for your brain! A new study shows that older adults who spent more time on household chores showed greater brain size, which is a strong predictor of cognitive health. Scientists…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Decluttering For The New Year

WEBE Wellness: Decluttering For The New Year

This is the perfect weekend to take stock of things that you don’t need anymore. You might have some things hanging around the house that you can get rid of that will take a load off your mind, immediately helping your physical and mental well-being. The new year is the perfect time to get rid…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Keeping Up With Resolutions

WEBE Wellness: Keeping Up With Resolutions

Did you make a new year’s resolution? If you did, you’re in the minority – only about a quarter of us made resolutions for this year, and most of those are under 30. The reason why as you get older you don’t make resolutions is probably because, year after year, 80% of resolutions fail, and…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Breaking That Afternoon Slump

WEBE Wellness: Breaking That Afternoon Slump

Earlier today, did you hit that afternoon slump at work? You’ve made it through lunch, but all of a sudden things start really dragging? It happens to most of us right around 3pm – and usually lasts for about a half an hour. There’s a number of causes – everything from the caffeine wore off…Continue Reading