Every weekday at 5:45pm, Allan gives you a tip to help improve your life. It’s WEBE Wellness! It could range from exercise to better sleep to eating healthy. A minute that could help enhance your world.

WEBE Wellness: Making Sure You’re Prepared For The Storm
With the first tropical storm of the season on the horizon, it’s a good time to take stock of your emergency wellness ahead of Tropical Storm Elsa. The CDC recommends making sure you have a plan – emergency numbers in your phone and know where the nearest shelter is and different routes to get there…… Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: What You Need To Know About Sunscreen
After an overcast weekend, the sun is back out – and as we spend more time outside in the sunshine, we need to protect ourselves with sunscreen. But a lot of questions come into Google about sunscreen. Here’s what most people search for: • How long it lasts – if it’s more than 3 years…… Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Making A Move Back Home Easier
Yesterday was Father’s Day, and it’s always nice to spend time with family. But what if you need to spend more time with your folks than you normally would because you need to move back home? It can happen to anyone at any age – but with the last year bringing both COVID and economic…… Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Free Ways To Beat Allergies
After spending the better part of the past year stuck indoors, we’re all excited to venture outdoors this year. But, with the warm weather comes allergies. If you suffer from them every spring, there are a few tips you can use to help this season – and best of all – they’re free! The first…… Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Do Allergy Meds And COVID Vaccines Mix?
Allergy season is still upon us, but what are those who still have their COVID-19 vaccine appointment coming up to do if they need allergy meds at the time of their vaccine? The good news is that most over-the-counter meds are perfectly fine to take both before and after your shot. If you regularly use…… Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Spring Cleaning Your Own Health
As we approach the halfway point of May, we’re also more than halfway through Spring. You may have done some spring cleaning around the house, but what about with your health? Before summer gets here, there’s a few things you can do now to get ahead of your own wellness for the rest of the…… Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: What To Do With Masks When The Pandemic Is Over
When everyone’s vaccinated and the pandemic is finally over, what are you going to do with your masks? Well don’t throw them away – because they may still come in very handy! There’s going to be a few times a year when you may want to bring the mask back. Flu season will still happen,…… Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Should We Still Be Disinfecting As Much?
Over the last year, health experts have learned so much about COVID-19, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have announced that one common prevention measure previously recommended may be doing more harm than good. Recently, the CDC said disinfecting surfaces isn’t doing much as, indoors, the risk of surface transmission is very low,…… Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: A Healthier Spring Cleaning
Spring is just starting – and it’s not too late to do some spring cleaning. You already know that your home looks better when it’s clean, but you’ll actually feel better too – as long as you’re cleaning properly. There’s a right way and a wrong way to clean – and some common mistakes to…… Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Preparing For Allergies
The days are getting warmer, we’ll get into the 70s tomorrow, and with spring and spending more time outside comes those spring allergies! The first batch will come from pollen in the trees, and in a few weeks, it’ll be grass pollen – and before your eyes start to itch, there’s a few things to…… Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Should You Laminate Your Vaccine Card?
After taking the day off yesterday because of the Easter holiday, vaccines are ramping up again across Connecticut. And once you get yours, you’ll get that little white card that’s proof of vaccination. Places like Staples and Office Depot are even laminating them for free – and while it’s tempting to do it right away,…… Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Having To Sneeze Or Cough In Public
We’re in April now, and the weather is eventually going to get warmer – but with the spring brings allergies. And this allergy season may be more stressful than ever. Not because our allergies will be worse than other years, but because we’re worried about being judged for sneezing or coughing in public! A year…… Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: What To Avoid When Getting Your Vaccine
Tomorrow, Connecticut residents 16 or older become eligible for COVID-19 vaccines. That means 1.3 million residents. But once you are signed up, beyond having to sit for fifteen minutes afterwards to see if you have any reactions, there are a few things not to do that day: • Don’t take any Advil or Tylenol beforehand,…… Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Workout Motivation
We all know we’re supposed to do it, but sometimes it can be hard to get up and exercise. And that’s probably because we’re not getting the proper motivation. A new study reveals the top motivators for exercising are wanting to beat a partner’s personal best, fit into old clothes, and to shake off a…… Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Our Best Is Still To Come!
We can all agree that the last year was not great for anyone, no matter what your age is. But if you are someone who says things like it is all downhill after 30 or 40 or whatever age, a new study is going to turn that around. Most Americans believe that no one peaks…… Continue Reading