Every weekday at 5:45pm, Allan gives you a tip to help improve your life. It’s WEBE Wellness! It could range from exercise to better sleep to eating healthy. A minute that could help enhance your world.

WEBE Wellness: Getting Organized For Better Health

WEBE Wellness: Getting Organized For Better Health

Did you know today is Get Organized Day! If that’s not motivation enough to do spring cleaning, the fact that getting organized can improve your health might! First, you’ll sleep better – if your bedroom is messy, studies have found your quality of sleep goes down. Plus, you’ll also breathe easier – a messy home…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Avoid Bad Habits And Look Younger!

WEBE Wellness: Avoid Bad Habits And Look Younger!

We all want to do what we can to feel younger as we age, but there are things we can easily do so we continue to look younger as well. There are some bad habits to avoid that make us age faster. First, quit smoking – all kinds, including vaping, are bad for your skin.…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Don’t Use These Products When Treating Cuts

WEBE Wellness: Don’t Use These Products When Treating Cuts

Well apparently, this is something we’ve all been doing wrong our entire lives. It’s apparently one of the biggest first aid myths – when you have a cut, don’t use hydrogen peroxide to clean it. Nor should you use rubbing alcohol! Most of us had our parents do it for us when we were little…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Nutrition Myths

WEBE Wellness: Nutrition Myths

If it always seems like what’s good for your diet and what’s bad is always changing, then it’s time to look at nutrition myths. The first myth is that eating healthily is too expensive. Sure, some powders are, but fruits and veggies usually aren’t, and frozen ones are cheaper, and just as good for you.…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Drink More Water!

WEBE Wellness: Drink More Water!

When you get a headache, what’s the first thing you do? You probably grab a pain reliever – but that might not be what you actually need. If you do it, make sure you take a full glass of water with it – not just a sip – you could actually be dehydrated. Think about…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Fixing Work Feuds

WEBE Wellness: Fixing Work Feuds

It’s the end of the workday, and as you think back on the day – was there someone you constantly avoided? Someone you can’t stand to be around? Someone you actually…hate? Well, avoiding them is one path to take – if they’re harassing you, you may need to go to HR – but if you…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Why You Should Exercise At Night

WEBE Wellness: Why You Should Exercise At Night

Some of us exercise before work, some when we head home – but is there a better time of day to do it – morning, noon, or night? A new study shows that those who exercise in the evening have a far lower risk of death compared to those who don’t exercise – 61% lower!…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: What To Do With “Yogurt Water”

WEBE Wellness: What To Do With “Yogurt Water”

So, you go to the refrigerator looking for a snack and you pull out a yogurt. After you peel the top back, you find that yogurt water at the top and you’re faced with two options – pour it off or mix it in? But which is the right thing to do? Leave it to…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Is Your “Healthy” Snack Healthy?

WEBE Wellness: Is Your “Healthy” Snack Healthy?

You try to eat healthily, and you grab a healthy snack during the day, but are you sure that the “health food” is, in fact, healthy? Some so-called healthy foods are very misleading. Topping the list is granola bars – if they only have whole grains, nuts, and dried fruits, then chances are they are…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Signs You Need A Vacation ASAP

WEBE Wellness: Signs You Need A Vacation ASAP

We’re already a 1/4 of the way done with 2024. Some of us may need a vacation more than most. These are the signs to look for that you need a vacation ASAP: If you wake up with headaches, stress may be taking a toll on your body – headaches in the morning may mean…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Start To Get Moving

WEBE Wellness: Start To Get Moving

With the warmer weather getting here, you’re going to want to be out and about and doing things. But are you going to be ready? Here’s some tips on how to get started. First – stand up. Literally – it’s the easiest thing to do to get your body ready – and immediately upon standing,…Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: A Trick To Fall Asleep In Two Minutes

WEBE Wellness: A Trick To Fall Asleep In Two Minutes

As we head into the weekend, you’re probably looking forward to sleeping in. Even more so if you have trouble sleeping during the week. If you’re someone who wishes you could fall asleep at the drop of a hat, there’s a trick that members of the military use to fall asleep in just two minutes!…Continue Reading