Every weekday at 5:45pm, Allan gives you a tip to help improve your life. It’s WEBE Wellness! It could range from exercise to better sleep to eating healthy. A minute that could help enhance your world.

WEBE Wellness: Protecting Yourself Against Mosquitos
With the summer heat and humidity upon us, it’s a reminder that we’re in the middle of mosquito season. And that best way to avoid getting sick is to prevent mosquito bites. The CDC has some tips on how to do just that: First, if you’ve got stagnant water anywhere near your home, make sure…… Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: The Best Time Of Day To Lose Weight
Good news for early birds! The best way to lose weight is to exercise early in the morning – between 7 and 9am. After looking at exercise habits, a new study shows those who work out in the morning tend to have slimmer waists, and a lower BMI. Plus, they eat fewer calories overall and…… Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: The Five Things You Should Do Every Morning
If you had trouble getting your day started today, and it had nothing to do with staying up too, there are some easy morning habits you can start doing right away that’ll start your day off right. First thing in the morning is to write down something you’re grateful for – if you begin being…… Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Winding Down After The Work Week
The final work week of spring is over and now it’s summer! But if you found yourself stressed out, here’s some ways to wind down as we head into the weekend. First, make sure you say goodbye to work – log out of your e-mail and any work apps this weekend, turn off your computer…… Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Stretch To Lower Blood Pressure
If you have high blood pressure, your doctor will likely suggest going for walks to bring it down. But there may be a better option – and something you can do just as easily. Stretching. A new finding shows that those with hypertension show be stretching more. High blood pressure is a leading risk factor…… Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Keeping Your Skin Healthy In The Heat
We’re gonna have a stretch of particularly hot, sunny weather is ahead of us – and when you head outside during the summer, it’s so important to keep your skin healthy. Here are some skin tips for the season: First and foremost – use sunscreen! Sunburns are never fun, and years of too much sun…… Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Boost Your A/C During The Heat Wave
Yes, the heat wave is brutal. And hopefully you’ve got a working air conditioner. But is it working as well as it could be? There are a few things to be aware of. First, don’t constantly adjust the thermostat. Set it to the temp you want and forget it – if you drop it to…… Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Don’t Overwork Yourself
The weekend is finally here! Your workweek is over, and you put 40 hours in – but if you worked more than that, it could have a negative effect on your health. Working too much increases your risk of stroke or heart attack – more than 55 hours a week increases risk by 35%. Plus,…… Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: How Long Do You Burn Calories After A Workout?
You know the benefits of exercise – it raises metabolism, it helps burn calories – and that’s after the workout is over to. But for how long? A new study shows it’s a bit longer than you might think – two full days! The study looked at those who don’t regularly work out and are…… Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: A Relaxing Commute
Sitting in traffic is a way of life – and while that probably aggravates you, a new study shows that when traffic is moving freely, believe it or not, commuting could be good for our mental health! During the pandemic, experts found that for many who worked from home, they missed commuting – and it…… Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: The Body Part You Forget To Exercise
You go to the gym and you work out your arms, your legs, your back – you do lots of stretching and cardio – you’ve got your whole body covered. Except there’s one part of your body that you use all the time that you’re probably neglecting in a workout – your feet! There are…… Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Nutrition Myths
You try your best to eat nutritiously…but are there some things you’re doing that aren’t helpful at all? Health experts have put together a list of nutrition myths – and top of the list is that fresh fruit is healthier than frozen. Sometimes canned stuff has added sugar – but whether it’s frozen or dried,…… Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Strength Training To Reduce Illness
Working out and building muscle isn’t just for show – it could help you live a longer, and healthier, life. A new study shows that regular muscle-strengthening can lead to a 10 to 20% lower risk of illnesses including cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. And the best part is all it takes is 30 to…… Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: Taking A Bath Instead Of Exercising?
We know exercise is good to lower our blood pressure, but the motivation to exercise can sometimes be so difficult. So, take a bath instead! Researchers have found many of the same benefits in a hot bath as low-intensity aerobics. After a few minutes your heart rate will rise, and you’ll feel hot – it’s…… Continue Reading

WEBE Wellness: What To Drink With Medication
Whenever you have a pill to take, you need liquid to swallow it down with. But did you know you might be using the wrong type of drink to chase them with? A new study found that no matter if you take pills at morning, noon, or night, to wash it down with water only.…… Continue Reading