Storm N Norman

Storm N Norman | 5:30-10AM

What is your favorite spot in Connecticut?

Anywhere near Long Island Sound.

How long have you worked for WEBE108? What was your first job here?

Since prior to us going on the air. We used to be in a small room on top of Oscar’s deli in Westport.

What makes your station/show great?

Being able to relate to our listeners and their families. AND play their favorite songs and have fun on the radio!

Favorite band or artist of all time?

Yes and Pink Floyd.

What is the best concert you’ve ever seen?

A pop up Rolling Stones show at Toads Place in New Haven. Standing on a church pew next to stage!

If you didn’t do radio, what would you do?

Be a Waiter.

A skill you wish you had but sadly don’t?

Play piano or drums.

If you are on death row and you have a final meal. What is it?


Tell us one fun fact about yourself

I have a fear of public speaking!!!!!!!!!!!!

Storm N Norman's Blog

FAQ.  How did i  get the name Storm N. Norman?

FAQ. How did i get the name Storm N. Norman?

How did I get my name? Well, Norman is my real name. Wasn’t a very popular name in school. Until high school. Central Catholic in Norwalk. My gym coach, Ray Barry, gave me the nickname. It was so much better than hearing ‘Norman the doorman’ in grammar school. And the name stuck. When I graduated…Continue Reading

Norm becomes a Noomie

Norm becomes a Noomie

So, after months of trying every bread recipe, sourdough, rye, wheat.  Months of baking brownies, upside down cake, and eating enough hot dogs to fill Yankee Stadium, I’ve taken the plunge into the world of Noom!  It’s the online phone only calorie counting site.  As much as I loved searching endlessly for yeast, and making Dutch oven…Continue Reading