WEBE Wellness: The Best Time Of Day To Weigh Yourself

WEBE Wellness: The Best Time Of Day To Weigh Yourself

Spring’s around the corner, and you might be looking to start working on that beach body. But if you want to help prevent gaining a few pounds, there’s something easy that you can do – weigh yourself every day. A pound or two isn’t something to obsess about, but just weighing daily can really help…

WEBE Wellness: How Long Until Exercise Becomes Routine?

WEBE Wellness: How Long Until Exercise Becomes Routine?

Exercise isn’t the most fun thing in the world, and if you’re doing it for weight-loss, it feels like a chore – but like most things, if you keep at it, eventually you’ll start to like it. But how long will that take? For most of us it takes a few months of regular exercise…

WEBE Wellness: Why You Shouldn’t Sleep With The TV On

WEBE Wellness: Why You Shouldn’t Sleep With The TV On

Some of us like sleeping with the TV on, others want it off – and it can cause problems for a couple that can’t agree on which way to go. But a new study shows that those who prefer it off just might be in the right. They scanned the brains of those in the…

WEBE Wellness: Pick Up The Pace!

WEBE Wellness: Pick Up The Pace!

You already know exercise is good for you – and high-intensity interval training is even better. Simply put, you do more in less time for a better workout. But what about when it comes to walking? After all, it’s the most common form of exercise – how can you be doing more with a daily…

WEBE Wellness: The Worst Day To Take A Mental Health Day

WEBE Wellness: The Worst Day To Take A Mental Health Day

After the last two years, now more than ever, workers are taking more mental health days – it’s a sick day because you’re stressed or overworked, rather than traditionally ill. Taking them when you need them is the best course of action…but if you can plan, Wednesdays might be the one day to avoid when…

WEBE Wellness: How Feeling “Hangry” Affects You

WEBE Wellness: How Feeling “Hangry” Affects You

You’ve known it and I’ve known it, and everyone has known it – but now science has proven it. A new study shows that being “hangry” is a real thing. The word is a combination of hungry and angry – and the study shows that not eating really does make us mad. If we’re craving…

WEBE Wellness: Be A Weekend Warrior

WEBE Wellness: Be A Weekend Warrior

If you find it too difficult to exercise during the week, just make sure you don’t relax during the weekend. If you go really hard with your workout on Saturday and Sunday, then Monday through Friday will be covered. A new study looked at “weekend warriors” – and found that whether you spread exercise across…

WEBE Wellness: The Best Time To Go To Bed

WEBE Wellness: The Best Time To Go To Bed

You know staying up too late isn’t good for you, but going to bed early may not be either. A new study has narrowed down the perfect time to fall asleep for your heart. Researchers show the sweet spot is between 10 and 11pm. The study found that for those who stay up and go…

WEBE Wellness: The Worst Foods In Your Freezer

WEBE Wellness: The Worst Foods In Your Freezer

Sometimes after a long day, you don’t want to cook, and you grab something from the freezer. While frozen foods are great in a pinch, there’s a few you may want to avoid because of how unhealthy they are. Top of the list – TV Dinners may be fun to make, but they usually are…

WEBE Wellness: Get Off The Phone To Lower Blood Pressure

WEBE Wellness: Get Off The Phone To Lower Blood Pressure

If you’d like to lower your blood pressure, it could be as simple as not answering the phone. Being on the phone for 30 minutes a week can increase blood pressure by 12% – and that’s not from one phone call – that’s all the calls in total. And it doesn’t have anything to do…