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iStock / Getty Images Plus
iStock / Getty Images Plus
Press conference…Lyceum Theatre Broadway…July 1989…pulls we up on stage, asks where the camera is. In the middle of saying the word ‘where’, picture taken. One chance. Still in awe of his arm on my shoulder!
How did I get my name? Well, Norman is my real name. Wasn’t a very popular name in school. Until high school. Central Catholic in Norwalk. My gym coach, Ray Barry, gave me the nickname. It was so much better than hearing ‘Norman the doorman’ in grammar school. And the name stuck. When I graduated…
So, after months of trying every bread recipe, sourdough, rye, wheat. Months of baking brownies, upside down cake, and eating enough hot dogs to fill Yankee Stadium, I’ve taken the plunge into the world of Noom! It’s the online phone only calorie counting site. As much as I loved searching endlessly for yeast, and making Dutch oven…