Either bringing or eating! Listen…
Either bringing or eating! Listen…
Frank nominated the Babcock Family for a WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish. Mr. Babcock served in Vietnam and developed cancer a couple of years ago due to Agent Orange exposure in the Vietnam War. He’s currently in his third round of chemotherapy. The family is in need of a new gas stove, and thanks to East Haven…
For your real tree, some good ideas! Listen…
Candy nominated her sister Tammy for a WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish. She’s been in the hospital for months due to advanced bladder cancer. Her son John has Down syndrome and is need of a new bed and mattress. Thanks to Spector Furniture & Mattress Gallery, we’re able to grant Candy’s Wish.
Here are the translations! Listen…
Joanne nominated 29-year-old Joshua for a WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish. He was recently diagnosed with brain cancer and has had to stop working. Thanks to Ring’s End, we’re able to grant her Wish and get Joshua and his four-year-old son Jackson new winter clothes. We’ll also make sure Jackson has some presents to open…
Simple. Listen…
Couple of ways to do it! Listen…
In a pinch wrapping! Listen…
Just grab a kitchen towel! Listen…