Tips from expert wedding planners! Listen…
Tips from expert wedding planners! Listen…
The first day after the weekend gives some of us a case of the Mondays – but you feel that way every day, there are some things that may be to blame that you can correct. The most common reason we’re tired is simple fatigue – not getting enough sleep after a busy weekend. But…
Pretty much free too!! Listen…
National Bacon Day! Listen…
You know the adage – breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But it’s not just a saying – a new study has revealed just how true it really is! Adults who skip breakfast don’t simply miss out on a lot, but it’ll affect their choices for the rest of the day. No…
National lemon juice day! Listen…
It happens to us all – sometimes we need a little extra motivation. But if there’s no one around and you need a self-pep talk, refer to yourself as “you” and not “I”. A new study found that when talking to yourself in the second person – like “you can do this” – running performance…
Hitting the brick wall! Listen…
If this nice stretch of weather has you enjoying the outdoors, running more, keep it up! But if you need to stop and walk occasionally, don’t worry about it – in fact, it’s good for you! Whether your goal is to build distance or conserve energy for the long haul, plenty of runners take walk…
The other person should pick up! Listen…