This is great after apple picking! Listen…
This is great after apple picking! Listen…
Like it or not, pumpkin season is here – and if you don’t like it, you might want to start trying it, because pumpkin is incredibly healthy for you. It’s good for eyesight, since pumpkins are loaded with vitamin A. And vitamin C as well, which helps boost your immune system. You’ll find plenty of…
Some simple tricks to help! Listen…
Many of us suffer from high blood pressure – half of us over the age of 20 have it, and 75% over the age of 65. And you probably already know aerobic exercise can help you lower it – but a new study shows that you can lower your high blood pressure without moving! Running,…
For whatever reason! Listen…
If you want healthy gums, you know to brush and floss daily. But cutting calories will help too! A new study found it helps slow the progression of gum disease. The inflammation on gumlines was reduced with lower calorie diets – as well as inflammation in the entire body. It worked on the short-term as…
Try this one ingredient! Listen…
We’re in Pumpkin Spice Latte season, and there’s a good chance you’ll be having a few over the next month and a half. But have you ever wondered how much exercise you need to burn it off? Well, we have the answer! If you get a tall with nonfat milk and no whipped cream –…
A visual to help them get ready! Listen…
Whether it’s hot or not, you need to drink water – but did you know you can make your water even more hydrating! There are a few things you can add to your water to boost its hydration! Cucumber is a great addition – if you look closely, you’ll notice the seeds are sort in…