Broth, and only the broth! Listen…
Broth, and only the broth! Listen…
You heard it from mom growing up – make sure you eat your vegetables! But if you don’t like to eat your veggies, and will only put one on your plate, make sure it’s a cruciferous vegetable!
What are those? Well broccoli, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts are a few – and they’re loaded with nutrients! You’ll get plenty of vitamins – A, C, E and K – which help with hair and skin and nails, and even promote anti-aging effects!
They’re also loaded with fiber but are hard to digest if you eat them raw, so cook them and you’ll help boost your body’s natural ability to eliminate toxins. Plus, those cruciferous vegetables have also been linked with neutralizing cancer cells.
So, while we start to head into the holiday season, make sure you still load some veggies on your plate!
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This is the one we gain the hour of sleep! Listen…
Just over a week to go until the big day and you already know you’re going to be raiding your kid’s Halloween candy and sneaking a few pieces – but here’s what dentists say to avoid, what candy causes the most havoc on our teeth:
#1 is gummies – because they take so long to chew, pieces get lodged in between your teeth.
Caramel candies, because they’re so sticky and take a long time to dissolve are the hardest to brush away at the end of the night.
Starburst are delicious, but because they’re tacky they can pull on fillings and crowns.
Because Lollipops are eaten slowly, the sugar is in contact with your teeth for a longer period.
And sour powder candies are very acidic, which can damage tooth enamel.
But there’s good news – dentists say the there are two treats that aren’t too bad – plain old chocolate dissolves quickly and can be brushed away easily, and caramel apples – the apples help clean the surfaces of your teeth.
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Add a bunch of ice and you are good to go! Listen….
You’re going to eat a lot of candy tomorrow for Halloween. And the day after. And there’s a good chance you’ve already raided your stash and will need to go out and buy more. But what’s the best way to counter all that sugar you’re ingesting? Have some sauerkraut!
When you have too much candy, it doesn’t just potentially make you sick to your stomach, it weakens your immune system. That’s because you mess up your microbiome, that’s the balance of good bacteria.
Sauerkraut, since it’s fermented, is a food that will offset the negative effects of overloading on candy.
But if sauerkraut seems too overwhelming after a night of trick-or-treating, yogurt, kimchi, and kombucha are all alternatives that will do the same thing.
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Just add one thing to them! Listen…
Find yourself questioning decisions you made – or feel like you’re constantly consumed with doubt? You’re not alone – many of us go through it from time to time, but when does constant worrying about what others think go away.
Well…when you turn 46.
A new study shows that it takes us a while to get over insecurities. Appearance is the first thing we accept, and that’s usually in our mid-30s for both men and women. After that, our career paths are next, and that’s not until we hit 40.
What takes so long? Well, it’s usually things like the desire to fit in and not make waves and just go with the flow. The confidence to being unapologetically ourselves doesn’t come right away – it takes time.
It also takes things becoming a parent, or our personal finance levels reaching a more stable point, and for many others, it takes retirement to feel confident.
So, if you’re still dealing with insecurities and worrying about what others think, you could either wait a while for it to go away on its own, or make an active effort not to worry about what others think and do what makes you feel good!
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Not the traditional way! Listen…
It’s not wise to skip meals, but it happens from time to time. And then the inevitable happens when you feel “hangry” – and the angrier you get, the hungrier you get, and it only gets worse. But what, exactly, is happening?
Believe it or not, there’s your stomach and your brain are connected. The hunger feeling sends a signal to your brain, and if you don’t start eating soon, the signals continue and get stronger.
Plus, your blood sugar drops when you don’t eat, and that makes you stressed, and your serotonin levels drop. And that’s when you get “hangry.”
There are some foods you may want to snack on if you’re worried about potentially missing a meal:
Vegetables like carrots, celery, and cucumber; chickpeas; Greek yogurt; berries; and almonds. They’ll keep you fuller than other snacks, and you’ll be able to avoid getting “hangry.”
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