Engage & Grow 2025 at Total Mortgage Arena

Engage & Grow 2025 at Total Mortgage Arena

Join us for the Engage & Grow Expo at Total Mortgage Arena Thursday, March 20, 2025 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM.

The Engage & Grow 2025 Expo will be the largest event powered by the Bridgeport Regional Business Council (BRBC) and is poised to become the premier expo in the region. The event will feature a diverse range of pavilions, including Legal, Financial, Healthcare, Senior Living, Non-Profit, and Food & Beverage, among others. Attendees can also participate in a variety of educational workshops covering topics such as Entrepreneurship, Tax Filing, Social Media/Marketing, Financial Planning, Career Growth, and much more. Admission to the Expo will be complimentary, with a nominal fee for access to the Food & Beverage area.

The Expo will be held in regional collaboration with the Greater Norwalk Chamber of Commerce, Milford Regional Chamber of Commerce, and Fairfield Chamber of Commerce.

Don’t forget to join us for the March Madness Business After Hours celebration from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM in the Atrium and Fanatics Sportsbook, located at the Total Mortgage Arena. It’s the perfect way to unwind and network after a day at the Expo!

WEBE Wellness: How Much Sleep Is Perfect?

WEBE Wellness: How Much Sleep Is Perfect?

Think back to last night – did you get enough sleep? Did you get that magic number of hours that you need – and, really, what is that number?

Well researchers have the answer – seven hours is the perfect amount for mental health. If you’re between the ages of 38 and 73, you want no less…and no more.

The testing showed that not enough sleep as well as too much sleep will affect our memories, problem solving skills, even our ability to pay attention. As well as more symptoms of anxiety and depression – and those got worse overall if the patten of not enough, or too much sleep, continued.

Now you’ve got the weekend, and three full nights, to start getting the right amount of sleep you need so you’ll be ready for Monday.

Image Credit: uzhursky / iStock / Getty Images Plus

WEBE Wellness: Can You Have Too Much Free Time?

WEBE Wellness: Can You Have Too Much Free Time?

We all look forward to having free time. But you either feel like you don’t have enough free time, or you have too much, and you become bored.

But is having one better than the other?

According to a new study, people are happier when they have more free time. It’s not surprising, but they only felt that way up to a certain point – two hours per day. If people find that they have more than five hours of free time per day, then they had a more negative opinion of their free time – just as bad as if they don’t have enough.

Too little free time makes people feel like they don’t have enough time to relax and do what they want to do, and too much makes them feel lazy and lacking purpose.

So, since the sweet spot for your wellbeing is right in the middle, researchers suggest those who feel like they have too little free time should try to find a few more leisure hours, and those with a lot of it should plan to do something more productive rather than wait for things to happen.

Image Credit: stockfour / iStock / Getty Images Plus

WEBE Wellness: The Health Pros And Cons Of Drinking Coffee

WEBE Wellness: The Health Pros And Cons Of Drinking Coffee

Are you a regular coffee drinker? If so, it’s probably affecting your health – both positively and negatively at the same time.

Coffee drinkers get more steps in each day than non-coffee drinkers. But, by staying more active, they’re also getting less sleep overall.

The caffeine gets you moving – about 1,000 more steps per day on average. But the caffeine keeps you up – you get about 36 minutes less sleep at night. And the more coffee you drink, the less sleep you’ll get.

The big takeaway is that coffee shouldn’t be looked at as either good or bad for your health, because the effects are different. But if you do value one benefit over the other, take into consideration just how much coffee you drink every day.

Image Credit: Atstock Productions / iStock / Getty Images Plus

Southern Connecticut College and Career Fair

Southern Connecticut College and Career Fair

The Southern Connecticut College & Career Fair is Tuesday, April 22 from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Hartford HealthCare Amphitheater in Bridgeport, CT. Head to CTCollegeFair.com to get information on colleges, universities, and businesses attending from all over the U.S. and abroad.

Designed for high schools students and their families, the Southern Connecticut College & Career Fair is the largest college & career fair in the area. Meet with over 200 colleges, universities, gap year programs, and businesses.

FREE event and open to all high school students.

For more information or questions, email [email protected]

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WEBE Wellness: Improve Your Mood…For Free!

WEBE Wellness: Improve Your Mood…For Free!

Your workday is over! But if that doesn’t excite you, there’s a few easy things you can do to further improve your mood and, best of all, it’s free!

Send a message to someone you haven’t spoken too in a while – even if it’s a meme, reconnecting with a friend is always a mood booster.

Make an errand list. It may not seem fun, but if you can organize them and start crossing them off, you’ll feel better with each one that gets off the list, and the lack of procrastination will help reduce stress.

Check your vacation balance. You may have to ask HR how many days you’ve got left but knowing that amount will help you to start thinking and visualizing that vacation.

Lastly, and since it’s the end of the workday you might be doing it already – watch relaxing videos. Nature videos are good, to increase feelings of joy, amusement, and curiosity and reduce feelings of fatigue, anger, and stress.

See? There’s a reason why cat videos are so popular!

Image Credit: Fokusiert / iStock / Getty Images Plus