WEBE Wellness: Tips For Sleep Trouble

WEBE Wellness: Tips For Sleep Trouble

Have you been getting by on just 5 or 6 hours of sleep? It’s possible, as nearly a third of us aren’t getting the recommended 7+ hours we need per night.

A lack of sleep will affect your waking hours – in the short-term, a loss of attention span, poor decision-making, fatigue, and irritability are all possible; and long-term effects are increased risks of obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and depression.

So how do you get more sleep?

Make sure you turn off any screens at least 30 minutes before you head to bed – the blue light disrupts your ability.

Try to keep the time going to bed and waking up the same every day (that goes for weekends too!)

Avoid caffeine later in the day as it keeps you up – and alcohol late at night may make you sleepy, but it can disrupt sleep later in the night.

And if you lie in bed for 20 minutes without falling asleep – head to another room and do something relaxing like read or listen to music until you start to feel drowsy.

Image Credit: franz12 / iStock / Getty Images Plus

WEBE Wellness: Living Optimistically

WEBE Wellness: Living Optimistically

When times are tough, it’s a challenge to remain positive. But if you can do it – you might live longer.

A new study found that optimism can add years to your life. This study lasted over two decades! They asked a lot of questions over the years of 160,000 people – and the ones who remained optimistic lived the longest – many reached 90 and even older.

At the end of the study, those who lived optimistically lived over 5% longer than those who were pessimistic. Put another way – if you live to 90, that’s nearly five extra years.

So…think happy thoughts!

Image Credit: Boonyachoat / iStock / Getty Images Plus

WEBE Wellness: How Learning A New Language Improves Your Brain

WEBE Wellness: How Learning A New Language Improves Your Brain

As we age, so do our brains – but there is a way to help keep our brains younger – learning a second language.

Two recent studies looked at individuals who could at least understand a second language, and those who were most fluent did much better on cognitive tests.

Scientists believe those who can speak multiple languages train their brains to shift and focus on different things rapidly.

The most incredible part of the study was they found that being bilingual can help delay and avoid things like dementia and Alzheimer’s by an extra five to seven years.

If learning a new language has been on your to-do list, get started – your brain will thank you!

Image Credit: Borislav / iStock / Getty Images Plus

WEBE Wellness: Simple Daily Steps For A Longer Life

WEBE Wellness: Simple Daily Steps For A Longer Life

If you want to add years to your life, all you need is five minutes. And this comes from an expert on longevity!

A few quick things to do every day to extend your life starts with habit stacking. This is where you add something positive to what you’re already doing, like practicing mindfulness while you make your morning coffee.

Micro-meditation helps – like focusing on your breathing, inhaling for four seconds, holding it for seven, and exhaling for eight – these steps help calm and relax us.

You know you should workout – but even five minutes can help – a quick brisk walk in the middle of the workday can help the rest of your day.

Instead of just scrolling social media, reach out to friends directly – that connection helps raise those feel-good hormones in our brains.

Finally, make sure you spend some time focusing upon what matters – a sense of purpose and your passions, it’s all been linked to longer life.

Image Credit: airdone / iStock / Getty Images Plus

St. Patrick’s Day Parade Guide

St. Patrick’s Day Parade Guide

Join WEBE 108 at these St. Patrick’s Day Parades this year!

Norwalk St. Patrick’s Day Parade
Saturday, March 8th. Step Off 11am
Veterans Park to Washington Street to North Main Street ending at O’Neill’s Irish Pub and Restaurant
Look for Allan Lamberti in the WEBE 108 Van

Greater Bridgeport St. Patrick’s Day Parade
Friday, March 14th. Step Off 12pm
Starts at Burroughs Community, 2470 Fairfield Avenue, Bridgeport (corner of Fairfield Avenue and Ellsworth Street) and travels down Fairfield Avenue to The Castle, Black Rock, 3171 Fairfield Avenue, Bridgeport (corner of Courtland Avenue)
Look for Storm N. Norman in the WEBE 108 Van

Milford St. Patrick’s Day Parade
Saturday, March 15th. Step Off 1pm
Wasson Field, West Main Street to West River Street to River Street to Railroad Ave
Look for Storm N. Norman in the WEBE 108 Van

Greater New Haven St. Patrick’s Day Parade
Sunday, March 16th. Step Off 1:30pm
Chapel Street to Church Street
Look for Danny Lyons in the WEBE 108 Van

Greenwich St. Patrick’s Day Parade
Sunday, March 23rd Step Off 2pm
Greenwich Town Hall, Field Point Road to West Putnam Ave then down Greenwich Ave Look for the WEBE 108 Van

WEBE Wellness: The Secret To Looking Younger

WEBE Wellness: The Secret To Looking Younger

First week of February and you’ve already forgotten about your new year’s resolution, right? Well, here’s something you can do that’s easy, and can help you look younger.

Stay hydrated – that’s the trick. It’s important for your overall health, and a new study has found it’ll help you live longer – those who don’t drink enough water have a 20% shorter life expectancy!

But, before you reach that point, chronic dehydration will make you 50% more likely to look old! Sunken eyes, sunken cheeks, and dry skin was all noticed in under hydrated study participants over age 45.

This study tracked them for a long time – 25 years – and they also found those who weren’t hydrated were more likely to have high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

Looking younger may not have been your new year’s resolution, but if drinking more water is, you’ll get the added benefit!

Image Credit: Liudmila Chernetska / iStock / Getty Images Plus