Just a simple rule of thumb. Or paw! Listen…

Just a simple rule of thumb. Or paw! Listen…
And an easy way to eliminate tears! Listen…
Lori from Branford won $628 Friday, November 17 by answering all five questions of the WEBE108 Bigelow Tea 5 Question Quiz correctly! Here are all the questions and correct answers.
Q1: This has never happened in a NFL game.
A: A head coach being thrown out.
Q2: The front and rear was in Westport.
A: Fore and Aft Bar (now Ed Mitchell’s).
Q3: You could build highway from San Francisco to New York with this.
A: The concrete from the Hoover Dam.
Q4: We can thank Jennifer Garner for this.
A: The worldwide popularity of “Elf On The Shelf”.
Q5: Where will you find Connecticut Avenue?
A: The light blue property in Monopoly.
Supported by Bigelow Tea
First time cook? No worries! Listen…
And one that you won’t have to peel! Listen…
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Just some reminders! Listen…
Four is the number you should have! Listen….
We have been doin it wrong all this time! Listen…
Number One is good! Listen…
Just need to simple things! Listen…