WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish granted to Dominic

WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish granted to Dominic

Mark nominated Dominic for a WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish. Dominic’s 2.5 year old daughter was diagnosed with neuroblastoma in September. Dominic and his girlfriend spend a lot of time driving back and forth to the hospital to be with their daughter. Thanks to the Ridgefield Playhouse, we’re granting Mark’s wish and giving them gas cards, groceries, gifts and more.

Listen to all our granted wishes here.

If you would like to donate to help WEBE108 grant Christmas Wishes, please click here.

Thanks to Griffin Health

WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish granted to Liane

WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish granted to Liane

Mina nominated her neighbor Liane for a WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish. LeAnn’s husband moved out of state and now bills are piling up. She has two children, one is on the autism spectrum and one has spina bifida. Between medical bills, insurance, food, and everything else, there’s nothing left over for presents this holiday. Thanks to Abriola Parkview Funeral Home, we’re able to help her with food and gifts for the holidays.

Listen to all our granted wishes here.

If you would like to donate to help WEBE108 grant Christmas Wishes, please click here.

Thanks to Griffin Health

WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish granted to Suzanne

WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish granted to Suzanne

Lisa nominated her friend Suzanne for a WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish. Suzanne had a brain tumor partially removed a couple of years ago, but still suffers from seizures. She relies on her mother to drive and help with her two children. Now Suzanne’s mother also needs treatment for cancer, which will leave them without any mode of transportation for the kids. Thanks to Big Y, we’ll be able to provide groceries and gifts for Christmas morning.

Listen to all our granted wishes here.

Thanks to Griffin Health

WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish granted to Jen

WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish granted to Jen

Dawn nominated her friend Jen for a WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish. Jen lost her husband very suddenly, leaving behind three children. He had a heart attack while out to dinner with his children. Dawn’s son is best friends with Jen’s 10-year-old son and wanted to help with gifts, bills, and groceries. Thanks to Astacio Heating, Cooling, Plumbing and Electrical, we’ll provide groceries and gifts.

Listen to all our granted wishes here.

Thanks to Griffin Health

WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish granted to the Babcock Family

WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish granted to the Babcock Family

Frank nominated the Babcock Family for a WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish. Mr. Babcock served in Vietnam and developed cancer a couple of years ago due to Agent Orange exposure in the Vietnam War. He’s currently in his third round of chemotherapy. The family is in need of a new gas stove, and thanks to East Haven & Ridgefield Building Supply and Marvin Windows.

Listen to all our granted wishes here.

Thanks to Griffin Health