WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish granted to Christina

WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish granted to Christina

Christine nominated her son’s teacher Christina for a WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish. Christina is a teacher who works with kids on the autism spectrum. She spends a lot of her own money for the classroom and has fallen behind on some payments. Thanks to Chevrolet of Milford, we’ll provide cash for Chrissie to use to catch up on some bills.


Listen to all our granted wishes here.

If you would like to donate to help WEBE108 grant Christmas Wishes, please click here.

Thanks to Griffin Health

WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish granted to the Ciola children

WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish granted to the Ciola children

Michelle nominated the Ciola children for a WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish. Their mother Jess was tragically killed the weekend after Thanksgiving in a car accident. She would’ve been 47 years old this Christmas Eve. They had already lost their father two years ago. Michelle wishes for them to have a nice catered meal to celebrate the holiday, as well as gift cards for any purchases they may need. Thanks to Palmer’s Market, we will make the wish come true.

Listen to all our granted wishes here.

If you would like to donate to help WEBE108 grant Christmas Wishes, please click here.

Thanks to Griffin Health

WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wishes Come True

WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wishes Come True

Every holiday season, WEBE108 looks to help people in your life that need it the most with our WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish. Thank you to everyone who nominated a friend, co-worker, family member or someone you know that could use a little help this holiday season.

Our WEBE elves went through all the submissions and granted these following wishes!

If you would like to donate to help WEBE108 grant Christmas Wishes, please click here.

  • WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish granted to Amy
    Denise nominated Amy for a WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish. Amy had complications with her pregnancy and had an emergency C-section 10 weeks early in August. Her son is still in the NICU. Amy goes to visit him every day at the hospital and is in need of new tires for her car. Thanks to Griffin Health,…Continue Reading
  • WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish granted to Yaniel
    Melanie nominated Yaniel for a WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish. Yaniel is a technician at who recently been told he will need a heart transplant at just 30 years old. Yaniel is a father to three kids and Melanie wanted to help cheer up their holiday. Thanks to Duchess Restaurants, we’re able to make it a bright…Continue Reading
  • WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish granted to Christina
    Christine nominated her son’s teacher Christina for a WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish. Christina is a teacher who works with kids on the autism spectrum. She spends a lot of her own money for the classroom and has fallen behind on some payments. Thanks to Chevrolet of Milford, we’ll provide cash for Chrissie to use to catch…Continue Reading
  • WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish granted to the Ciola children
    Michelle nominated the Ciola children for a WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish. Their mother Jess was tragically killed the weekend after Thanksgiving in a car accident. She would’ve been 47 years old this Christmas Eve. They had already lost their father two years ago. Michelle wishes for them to have a nice catered meal to celebrate the…Continue Reading
  • WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish granted to Mariell
    Sharon nominated her friend Mariell for a WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish. Marielle gave birth to her third son a month ago and as soon as she’s released from the hospital her husband was rushed to the hospital and is in need of a heart transplant. She’s trying to take care of her two sons and newborn,…Continue Reading
  • WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish granted to Elizabeth
    Michelle nominated Elizabeth for a WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish. Elizabeth’s husband had a stroke right after Thanksgiving and is fighting for his life in the hospital right now. She’s unable to work as she’s taking care of their three children. Thanks to Dichello Distributors, we’re able to provide presents, groceries, and gas cards so Elizabeth can…Continue Reading
  • WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish granted to Rudy
    Vee nominated Rudy for a WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish. Rudy’s wife Violeta was a VA nurse and was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. She passed away two years after her diagnosis. Rudy has two daughters, a three-year-old and a 14-year-old. Thanks to East Haven Ridgefield Building Supply and Andersen Windows, we’re getting Rudy groceries and gifts for…Continue Reading
  • WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish granted to Dominic
    Mark nominated Dominic for a WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish. Dominic’s 2.5 year old daughter was diagnosed with neuroblastoma in September. Dominic and his girlfriend spend a lot of time driving back and forth to the hospital to be with their daughter. Thanks to the Ridgefield Playhouse, we’re granting Mark’s wish and giving them gas cards, groceries,…Continue Reading
  • WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish granted to Liane
    Mina nominated her neighbor Liane for a WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish. LeAnn’s husband moved out of state and now bills are piling up. She has two children, one is on the autism spectrum and one has spina bifida. Between medical bills, insurance, food, and everything else, there’s nothing left over for presents this holiday. Thanks to…Continue Reading
  • WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish granted to Suzanne
    Lisa nominated her friend Suzanne for a WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish. Suzanne had a brain tumor partially removed a couple of years ago, but still suffers from seizures. She relies on her mother to drive and help with her two children. Now Suzanne’s mother also needs treatment for cancer, which will leave them without any mode…Continue Reading
  • WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish granted to Jen
    Dawn nominated her friend Jen for a WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish. Jen lost her husband very suddenly, leaving behind three children. He had a heart attack while out to dinner with his children. Dawn’s son is best friends with Jen’s 10-year-old son and wanted to help with gifts, bills, and groceries. Thanks to Astacio…Continue Reading
  • WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish granted to Aleah
    Hope nominated Aleah for a WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish. She has twin boys that were born prematurely, with one requiring surgery to fix a hole in his esophagus. She’s trying to get her sons into Bright Beginnings daycare and is struggling to pay the deposit. Thanks to the Brothers of Westport Masonic Lodge Temple…Continue Reading
  • WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish granted to Danielle
    Elizabeth nominated her friend Danielle for a WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish. Danielle recently lost her husband. She has four children, ranging from 5 to 11-years-old. Elizabeth’s wish is for toys for the children and help making their Christmas morning a bit more cheerful. Thanks to Griffin Health, they’ll have toys and groceries for the holiday.Continue Reading
  • WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish granted to the Babcock Family
    Frank nominated the Babcock Family for a WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish. Mr. Babcock served in Vietnam and developed cancer a couple of years ago due to Agent Orange exposure in the Vietnam War. He’s currently in his third round of chemotherapy. The family is in need of a new gas stove, and thanks to East Haven…Continue Reading
  • WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish granted to Tammy
    Candy nominated her sister Tammy for a WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish. She’s been in the hospital for months due to advanced bladder cancer. Her son John has Down syndrome and is need of a new bed and mattress. Thanks to Spector Furniture & Mattress Gallery, we’re able to grant Candy’s Wish.Continue Reading
  • WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish granted to Joshua
    Joanne nominated 29-year-old Joshua for a WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish. He was recently diagnosed with brain cancer and has had to stop working. Thanks to Ring’s End, we’re able to grant her Wish and get Joshua and his four-year-old son Jackson new winter clothes. We’ll also make sure Jackson has some presents to open…Continue Reading
WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish granted to Mariell

WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish granted to Mariell

Sharon nominated her friend Mariell for a WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish. Marielle gave birth to her third son a month ago and as soon as she’s released from the hospital her husband was rushed to the hospital and is in need of a heart transplant. She’s trying to take care of her two sons and newborn, while also spending time at the hospital with her husband. Thanks to East Haven Ridgefield Building Supply and PPG Paints, we’re going to take care of some food for the holiday season, presents, and diapers.

Listen to all our granted wishes here.

If you would like to donate to help WEBE108 grant Christmas Wishes, please click here.

Thanks to Griffin Health

WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish granted to Elizabeth

WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish granted to Elizabeth

Michelle nominated Elizabeth for a WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish. Elizabeth’s husband had a stroke right after Thanksgiving and is fighting for his life in the hospital right now. She’s unable to work as she’s taking care of their three children. Thanks to Dichello Distributors, we’re able to provide presents, groceries, and gas cards so Elizabeth can make the trips to the hospital. We’ll also get some food and treats for their two dogs and cat.

Listen to all our granted wishes here.

If you would like to donate to help WEBE108 grant Christmas Wishes, please click here.

Thanks to Griffin Health

WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish granted to Rudy

WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish granted to Rudy

Vee nominated Rudy for a WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish. Rudy’s wife Violeta was a VA nurse and was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. She passed away two years after her diagnosis. Rudy has two daughters, a three-year-old and a 14-year-old. Thanks to East Haven Ridgefield Building Supply and Andersen Windows, we’re getting Rudy groceries and gifts for the children.

Listen to all our granted wishes here.

If you would like to donate to help WEBE108 grant Christmas Wishes, please click here.

Thanks to Griffin Health

WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish granted to Dominic

WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish granted to Dominic

Mark nominated Dominic for a WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish. Dominic’s 2.5 year old daughter was diagnosed with neuroblastoma in September. Dominic and his girlfriend spend a lot of time driving back and forth to the hospital to be with their daughter. Thanks to the Ridgefield Playhouse, we’re granting Mark’s wish and giving them gas cards, groceries, gifts and more.

Listen to all our granted wishes here.

If you would like to donate to help WEBE108 grant Christmas Wishes, please click here.

Thanks to Griffin Health

WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish granted to Liane

WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish granted to Liane

Mina nominated her neighbor Liane for a WEBE108 Griffin Health Christmas Wish. LeAnn’s husband moved out of state and now bills are piling up. She has two children, one is on the autism spectrum and one has spina bifida. Between medical bills, insurance, food, and everything else, there’s nothing left over for presents this holiday. Thanks to Abriola Parkview Funeral Home, we’re able to help her with food and gifts for the holidays.

Listen to all our granted wishes here.

If you would like to donate to help WEBE108 grant Christmas Wishes, please click here.

Thanks to Griffin Health