Not an April Fools joke either! Listen…

Not an April Fools joke either! Listen…
When you exercise you’re probably either listening to music or watching TV during cardio. But instead, you should be exercising your brain and doing some learning.
Specifically learning another language.
Learning a new language is harder as we age, but new studies show that it’s easier to learn a new language while exercising. When our bodies move, our brains do a better job in understanding, memorization, as well as retaining words.
Scientists think exercise makes our brains more open to taking in new information.
So if you’re planning a trip to a non-English speaking country, make sure you hit up the gym first.
Image Credit: eternalcreative / iStock / Getty Images Plus
And basics from your pantry! Listen…
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A good night’s sleep is important for our overall health. How much sleep we need varies – but the bottom line is that we need it every night!
A few nights of sleep loss can lead to deterioration of both your physical as well as mental well-being. And just one night of bad sleep creates the biggest jump in symptoms. So that means if you’re sleep-deprived during the week, and then when you try to “catch up” and sleep in on the weekends is something to avoid.
Getting more rest on the weekend won’t help for the week – because that first night of poor sleep will significantly change how well you can function.
And it’s not like you’re staying up all night – sleep loss is defined as about 90 minutes of restlessness. Researchers have found losing sleep produces feelings of anger, nervousness, loneliness, irritability, and frustration. Physical symptoms were found as well – upper respiratory issues, aches, and gastrointestinal issues.
Those mental and physical health symptoms remained elevated with each night of sleep loss and didn’t return to normal until those studied had a night of sleep lasting more than six hours.
Nearly a third of us get less than six hours a night, and it’s a habit that’s hard to break – but the sooner you start getting the rest you need, the better you’ll feel!
Image Credit: fizkes / iStock / Getty Images Plus
Difficult to talk about, but good to know. Listen…
If you regularly work out, congratulations! It’s not the easiest thing in the world but keep at it!
However, just because you’re exercising regularly, are you getting everything out of it that you should be? There’s a chance you may need to change it up.
Some signs to look out for:
Constantly feeling sluggish. Yes, exercise should make you sore, but it should also give you energy and make you feel ready to take on the day. If your routine leaves you drained, something needs to change.
If you’ve had a recent injury, taking a few days off and then going back to your regular routine may not make sense – you may need to change up some of your routine while your body heals.
If you’ve come to dread your workouts, a change will do you good – if you normally use a treadmill, try an elliptical machine. Expand your outlook from the gym to yoga, Pilates, recreation sports – keep an open mind for new fitness activities.
While it takes consistency, and about two months to start seeing results towards your goals, if you’re not seeing those results, your workout may need a changeup.
And if you’ve mostly been doing cardio, without any resistance training, you’ll also need to change things up – cardio works the heart, but strength training helps lower body fat, makes bones stronger, improves confidence, and, yes, helps with cardio too!
Image Credit: Tina Zupancic / iStock / Getty Images Plus
Hopefully it will work! Listen…
With spring break around the corner, if you’re planning to travel by air soon, make sure you don’t eat or drink any of these before you hop on the plane:
Salty food – because of the dry air on the plane, many of us get dehydrated, but adding in a snack with a lot of sodium will only make it worse.
Carbonated beverages – the change in cabin pressure can affect your GI tract, and the carbonation may simply make you feel bloated. However, if you’re feeling motion sick or nauseous, the carbonation will help.
Be careful with alcohol too – when you’re in the air, you’re more likely to feel the effects fast than when you’re on the ground.
Coffee can also dehydrate, and the caffeine may make you restless and unable to sleep during the flight.
Your best bets before you get on board – water, fruits, and lean proteins.
Image Credit: Biserka Stojanovic / iStock / Getty Images Plus
As WEBE108 celebrates our 40th anniversary, current General Manager Kristin Okesson spoke with WEBE108’s first General Manager Vince Cremona about the history of the radio station – from how the call letters came to be, to all the various personalities and owners that have walked through the halls, to the story of the Bridgeport smokestack, and so much more!
Easy for little kids! Listen…