5 tips to help! Listen…

5 tips to help! Listen…
Use a bread knife! Listen…
It’s the end of the workday, and as you think back on the day – was there someone you constantly avoided? Someone you can’t stand to be around? Someone you actually…hate?
Well, avoiding them is one path to take – if they’re harassing you, you may need to go to HR – but if you think it’s a working relationship that can be salvaged, here are some ways to handle it yourself:
Be empathetic – even if you don’t think so, you should be open to the possibility that you might be contributing to the problem. Or think about what’s causing it – we’ve all been more stressed out over the last year, and there could be stuff behind the scenes you may not know about.
Look for commonality – it could be about anything from talking up a TV show you both watch, or try to include them in drinks after work – an olive branch can turn things around fast.
Be friends with everyone else – it’s a lot harder for them to make your life difficult if everyone likes you!
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This weekend is the last before they are due! Listen…
Some of us exercise before work, some when we head home – but is there a better time of day to do it – morning, noon, or night?
A new study shows that those who exercise in the evening have a far lower risk of death compared to those who don’t exercise – 61% lower!
There are a few theories as to why the night is better overall – and it may have to do with how our bodies handle blood sugar later in the day. And it may lower our blood pressure for the evening, causing it to further drop into the next morning.
And there’s still good news for those who worked out in the morning, it lowered risk by 33% – and for those in the afternoon it was 40%.
So, no matter what time you exercise, doing some is far better than doing nothing.
Image Credit: FOTOKITA / iStock / Getty Images Plus
It will really work! Listen…
So, you go to the refrigerator looking for a snack and you pull out a yogurt. After you peel the top back, you find that yogurt water at the top and you’re faced with two options – pour it off or mix it in? But which is the right thing to do?
Leave it to a dietitian to finally give us the answer! And it’s…don’t pour it down the drain!
It’s actually not water at all – it’s actually acid whey, and it has beneficial nutrients as well as enhancing the creamy texture of your yogurt – so it’s good for you and it tastes good! It’s the best of both worlds!
It’s got calcium, protein, potassium, and lactose – all nutrients that are good for us, but particularly women.
But if the water freaks you out and you just don’t like the idea of liquid on top, just switch yogurt brands for Greek yogurts that don’t have it! But remember that it’s harmless and can actually be beneficial!
Image Credit: nensuria / iStock / Getty Images Plus
Here’s one thing to try! Listen…
It’s almost the end of the workday…you just gotta power through the last hour. But it can be a struggle, and keeping up a consistent energy level can be hard especially if you’re not snacking on the right foods during the day.
While coffee is usually everyone’s go-to, actual food is usually a better option.
Experts say eating something every 3-to-5 hours is optimal so you don’t crash. You want to try for a combination of protein, healthy fats, and fiber to keep you going.
Try to keep these 5 foods in your desk drawer – Black Beans will give you protein and fiber; Bananas – they digest easily and have good carbs; Eggs – good for protein; same with Pistachios, and, of course, what everyone good always probably have more of – Water.
And the foods to avoid – caffeine or energy drinks – they can actually keep you up at night if you have them late in the day; candy – the energy boost is short-lived; steak – there’s a reason you feel sleepy after having a steak dinner, because you can’t process too much protein at once; smoothies – they may seem convenient, but if the balance is wrong your blood sugar levels will spike; and low-calorie frozen meals – usually way too much sodium.
Image Credit: tbralnina / iStock / Getty Images Plus
There are some options! Listen…