WEBE Wellness: Tricking Yourself Into A Good Night’s Sleep

WEBE Wellness: Tricking Yourself Into A Good Night’s Sleep

Did you get a poor night’s sleep last night? The best way to recover – tell yourself you didn’t!

A new study found how much our mood can be affected. And after a bad night’s sleep, just thinking you had a good one might benefit you more than if you did!

Researchers looked at sleep patterns to compare how restful sleep was compared to the mood of the participants. And if they simply thought they had a good night’s sleep, they were more likely to be in a good mood. If they thought they didn’t, then they’d be more likely to be in a bad mood.

But since you know whether you did, you can still use this trick. Especially if you wear a sleep tracker and it tells you that you had a better sleep than you initially thought.

Image Credit: gorodenkoff / iStock / Getty Images Plus

WEBE Wellness: How Much Time Should You Be Sitting Each Day?

WEBE Wellness: How Much Time Should You Be Sitting Each Day?

You know you’re not supposed to just sit around all day – but being on your feet is impractical. What’s the right balance?

Experts now have the answer! A new study found the exact time we should sit, stand, sleep, and exercise each day. And there’s plenty of time to relax, but we probably are doing too much of that already.

Here’s the perfect balance:

When it comes to sleeping, 8 hours and 20 minutes is what you want to strive for.

Sitting – 6 to 7 hours total. And for many who sit behind a desk and have a long commute to work, you’re probably doing way more than that.

Standing should be about 5 hours – and that also applies to walking around, not exercising.

When it comes to exercise, it’s 4 hours – that’s physical activity, and half can be light activity like household chores, the other half actual exercise.

Image Credit: dusanpetkovic / iStock / Getty Images Plus

WEBE Wellness: Take The Stairs

WEBE Wellness: Take The Stairs

If you work in an office building, you probably take the elevator to get to your floor – and chances are good you already know that it’s healthier to take the stairs.

Well now we know just how much.

Researchers have found that those who take the stairs rather than the elevator are far less likely to die young. And not by a small difference. Stair takers are nearly 40% less likely to die from cardiovascular disease – and almost 25% less likely to die from any cause.

The more stairs you climb, the better the benefit – whether that’s at home or work or even the mall – take the stairs whenever, and wherever, you can!

Image Credit: Bastian Weltjen / iStock / Getty Images Plus

WEBE Wellness: Getting Organized For Better Health

WEBE Wellness: Getting Organized For Better Health

Did you know today is Get Organized Day! If that’s not motivation enough to do spring cleaning, the fact that getting organized can improve your health might!

First, you’ll sleep better – if your bedroom is messy, studies have found your quality of sleep goes down.

Plus, you’ll also breathe easier – a messy home usually means you’re not dusting regularly, and some who think they’re allergic to pollen might just need to clean more.

When you have stuff lying around cluttered, your brain is visually overstimulated and it’s hard to focus on anything. And beyond that, clutter affects our mental health – holding or hoarding possessions beyond their intended use can affect us emotionally, physically, socially, and financially.

So, it may be a late start, but you can still get some spring cleaning done this weekend!

Image Credit: Kostikova / iStock / Getty Images Plus

Allan Chats With Lisa Loeb

Allan Chats With Lisa Loeb

Singer-songwriter Lisa Loeb chats with Allan Lamberti about her career and music, New York Times crosswords, voicing Mary Jane on Spider-Man, and her upcoming tour with Lyle Lovett, kicking off at the Ridgefield Playhouse on Wednesday, May 1.

Image Credit: REUTERS/Carlo Allegri

WEBE Wellness: Avoid Bad Habits And Look Younger!

WEBE Wellness: Avoid Bad Habits And Look Younger!

We all want to do what we can to feel younger as we age, but there are things we can easily do so we continue to look younger as well. There are some bad habits to avoid that make us age faster.

First, quit smoking – all kinds, including vaping, are bad for your skin.

As the days get longer, avoid hanging out in the sun – and make sure you apply sunscreen when you do go out.

Change your diet so you’re not loaded down with lots of sugar and saturated fats that make skin age faster. Plus, make sure you exercise, you help keep muscle and bone density.

Too much alcohol will also damage cells that accelerates aging. And reduce stress in your life and try to get a good night’s sleep – both will help you look younger as you’re more relaxed and rested.

Finally – brush your teeth – gingivitis has been linked to heart disease, and nicer teeth certainly help with your appearance!

Image Credit: PeopleImages / iStock / Getty Images Plus