WEBE Wellness: Eat Dinner In This Order

WEBE Wellness: Eat Dinner In This Order

You try to eat healthy as a general rule – but there’s something you can be doing that’ll help you out even further – and it all depends on the order you eat your foods.

No matter what you do, eat starchy and sugary stuff last. There’s real science behind it – it helps if you don’t want your blood sugar to spike, especially important for those who have type-2 diabetes.

Eating starches allows your body to digest the sugar more gradually and can reduce blood sugar spikes by 75%.

The order to remember – vegetables and high fiber first, then fats and proteins next, finally carbs. Try it out for dinner tonight!

Image Credit: Elena_Danileiko / iStock / Getty Images Plus

WEBE Wellness: Wearing Antiperspirant While You Sleep?

WEBE Wellness: Wearing Antiperspirant While You Sleep?

Sweating – it’s something that we all do. But apparently, simply wearing antiperspirant isn’t enough – it’s when you apply it. And while you probably do it in the morning before you get dressed, come to find out that’s wrong!

It should be at night before bed!

Antiperspirant does just that – it prevents you from sweating. And because your body temperature drops at night while you’re sleeping, you’ll sweat less than during the day. And applying it at night gives your skin more time to absorb the active ingredient, usually aluminum.

Most are designed to work for 24 to 48 hours, so you should still be good for the next day.

And if you’re worried about showering in the morning, you still can – because you’ve absorbed it, it won’t wash off.

Image Credit: Helin Loik-Tomson / iStock / Getty Images Plus

WEBE Wellness: Tricks To Stop Sweating So Much

WEBE Wellness: Tricks To Stop Sweating So Much

Now that it’s getting much warmer, do you find yourself sweating a bit more than normal?

If you find that no matter the temperature that you sweat more than you’d like, there are a few steps you can take to curb it:

First – change what you eat – spicy food make us sweat, but so does sugar, caffeine, and alcohol – it all raises body temperature and makes us sweat, especially at night.

Drink more water – it might seem counterintuitive, but it will help to regular your body temperature.

Buy products that help – there are special full body anti-perspirants and wipes you can use.

Breathable clothing is important – you want clothes made of cotton, linen, and silk; not polyester, denim or fleece.

There’s also a chance you of something more serious – a condition called hyperhidrosis – so if these tricks don’t work, ask your doctor for advice.

Image Credit: CentralITAlliance / iStock / Getty Images Plus

WEBE Wellness: Caffeine Delay

WEBE Wellness: Caffeine Delay

You wake up in the morning and you have a cup of coffee. That’s how your day starts – but, instead of having that first cup right away, if you give yourself some time, it may be better for you.

Caffeine delay is a new trend – it’s where you wait an hour or so before coffee.

Social media influencers are talking about it – and experts say there’s truth to it, but only if you limit yourself to one cup of coffee per day.

Right after we wake up, our adenosine levels are at their lowest, that’s what makes us drowsy, and it’s why one cup of coffee or anything with caffeine doesn’t work as well in the morning, which is why a lot of us have a second cup.

As those levels rise through the day, when you’re dragging through the workday, or when you start to get drowsy at night, coffee affects our bodies more strongly, and wakes us up when we need it then.

However, if you still want that cup first thing, and you feel like you need it, the effects of delaying it aren’t really going to help. So set that programmable coffee pot for your normal time tonight!

Image Credit: Maria Korneeva / iStock / Getty Images Plus

WEBE Wellness: How To Have A Heart-Healthy Active Summer

WEBE Wellness: How To Have A Heart-Healthy Active Summer

As the days are longer, we’re more active than ever. But to keep active and stay active, you want your heart to be healthy to keep up with everything that you’re doing. The American Heart Association has some tips on how to have a heart-healthy summer:

Stay Hydrated – water is best, but plenty of fluids before, during, and after any warm activities – you’ll want to avoid caffeine and alcoholic beverages that dehydrate.

Try to work out in the cooler parts of the day – early morning or early evening, to help prevent sunburn or sunstroke.

Make sure you wear lightweight clothing – and light colored too!

Summer is a great season to try new veggies – if you’re grilling, throw some mushrooms, zucchini, and cherry tomatoes on the skewer.

When you’re packing for a beach road trip, throw in a football, soccer ball, or a frisbee to give you the incentive to get moving when you’re enjoying the sand.

Create your own fruit pops – mash up fruits like peaches or watermelon into paper cups and freeze overnight – you’ll save on a lot of money and sugar!

Wear hats when in the sun, and make sure you’ve got at least SPF 15 on.

And if the heat gets to be too much, head indoors – the heat will break eventually, and you’ll be able to keep up a healthy, active summer!

Image Credit: travnikovstudio / iStock / Getty Images Plus