WEBE Wellness: A Relaxing Commute

WEBE Wellness: A Relaxing Commute

Sitting in traffic is a way of life – and while that probably aggravates you, a new study shows that when traffic is moving freely, believe it or not, commuting could be good for our mental health!

During the pandemic, experts found that for many who worked from home, they missed commuting – and it has to do with something called “liminal space” – which means we get a break from both work stresses and life stresses – sitting alone gives us an opportunity to unwind.

And the longer the commute, the more time we can relax and just detach ourselves from whatever is going on in our lives.

The trick is you must avoid thinking about work or stress at home.

And for those who now work from home, you can give yourself a commute – like a 15-minute walk before and after your workday.

Image Credit: inspired_by_the_light / iStock / Getty Images Plus

WEBE Wellness: The Body Part You Forget To Exercise

WEBE Wellness: The Body Part You Forget To Exercise

You go to the gym and you work out your arms, your legs, your back – you do lots of stretching and cardio – you’ve got your whole body covered.

Except there’s one part of your body that you use all the time that you’re probably neglecting in a workout – your feet! There are 26 bones, 30 joints, and more than 100 muscles that all get used day in and day out that never get the attention they need!

For those of us who like to run and walk, paying attention to our feet is especially necessary. The first thing is to make sure you’ve got the proper footwear. Different shoes for short or long runs, or road or trail running should all be taken into consideration.

You can even do simple foot exercises – sit in a chair with your legs bent 90 degrees and pull a towel towards the top of your foot by scrunching your toes. Or sit barefoot in a chair and pick marbles off the floor with your toes. The increase in flexibility will go far.

You can also try barefoot running – don’t do it on the pavement, but if you can make it to the beach or on grass. And also, when you do your regular exercises like squats or lunges, if you use an unstable surface, it’ll help with your feet as well as overall balance.

Lots of options to strength your feet – and the rest of your body will thank you for it!

Image Credit: fizkes / iStock / Getty Images Plus

WEBE Wellness: Nutrition Myths

WEBE Wellness: Nutrition Myths

You try your best to eat nutritiously…but are there some things you’re doing that aren’t helpful at all?

Health experts have put together a list of nutrition myths – and top of the list is that fresh fruit is healthier than frozen. Sometimes canned stuff has added sugar – but whether it’s frozen or dried, it has the same nutrients.

Another myth is that plant milk is healthier than from a cow. Plant milk has fewer calories and fat, but cow’s milk as twice the protein. So, one isn’t necessarily healthier than the other.

Also, some people think that being a vegetarian means it’s hard to get proper protein, but it’s easier than people think – if you eat a good mix, including nuts, grains and beans that are backed with it.

Finally, sometimes you hear that nutritional advice is always changing with new fads, but since the 1950s, it’s been constant and simple – don’t overeat, and try to eat more greens than meats overall.

Image Credit: KucherAV / iStock / Getty Images Plus

WEBE Wellness: Strength Training To Reduce Illness

WEBE Wellness: Strength Training To Reduce Illness

Working out and building muscle isn’t just for show – it could help you live a longer, and healthier, life.

A new study shows that regular muscle-strengthening can lead to a 10 to 20% lower risk of illnesses including cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.

And the best part is all it takes is 30 to 60 minutes per week! Beyond an hour doesn’t produce any more significant reduction of risk to disease.

But combining the strength training with cardio decreases the risk even further – nearly twice as much. And strength training doesn’t just mean using weights – it can include bodyweight exercises like push-ups and squats or using resistance bands. And beyond reducing disease risk, it can help with stamina and improve your mood.

Image Credit: Nutthaseth Vanchaichana / iStock / Getty Images Plus

WEBE Wellness: Taking A Bath Instead Of Exercising?

WEBE Wellness: Taking A Bath Instead Of Exercising?

We know exercise is good to lower our blood pressure, but the motivation to exercise can sometimes be so difficult. So, take a bath instead!

Researchers have found many of the same benefits in a hot bath as low-intensity aerobics. After a few minutes your heart rate will rise, and you’ll feel hot – it’s similar to the effects you get from walking, jogging, or cycling. The study shows similar effects between exercise and a hot bath in blood flow, blood pressure, and glucose levels.

However, after sitting in a hot bath or a sauna, you won’t find that any calories are being burn, which means you won’t find yourself losing fat or building muscle. It also won’t help boost bone density, and it won’t help with endurance, strength, or mobility. So while it mimics aerobic activity, it shouldn’t be used in place of regular exercise.

Researchers recommend hot baths after exercise – it will help reduce inflammation and help muscles recover faster.

Image Credit: whyframestudio / iStock / Getty Images Plus

WEBE Wellness: What To Drink With Medication

WEBE Wellness: What To Drink With Medication

Whenever you have a pill to take, you need liquid to swallow it down with. But did you know you might be using the wrong type of drink to chase them with?

A new study found that no matter if you take pills at morning, noon, or night, to wash it down with water only. Never use coffee, juice, soda, or milk.

The study looked at the different types of drinks and the effect it has on different pills – they tested over the counter meds like Tylenol and ibuprofen.

Researchers found that anything other than water may affect how your body absorbs medication.

Coffee, juice, and soda may make pills dissolve too quickly, and your body doesn’t have as much time to absorb what’s in them so they may not work as well as they should.

Not every pill will necessarily have the same effect, but unless your doctor gives you the all-clear, stick with water.

Image Credit: Tatiana / iStock / Getty Images Plus