WEBE Wellness: Health Myths

WEBE Wellness: Health Myths

You eat right, you exercise, you stay healthy – but are you doing the right things, or are there some health myths you’ve subscribed to?

Maybe you’ve heard that coffee stunts your growth. Not true – it’s really genetics, and the only real medical condition a cup of coffee will give you is a slight increase in blood pressure.

Maybe you think eggs cause high cholesterol. Well, that’s another myth as they have nearly no effect on cholesterol, and some studies show they improve heart health.

You’ve probably heard you should go for 10,000 steps per day. While walking more isn’t a bad thing, it’s really more like 6,000 to 8,000 steps that you need – past that, and the health benefits don’t really increase.

You might think social media influencers will inspire you to diet and exercise – but it turns out it’s the opposite and can lead to body dissatisfaction.

Image Credit: Tomwang112 / iStock / Getty Images Plus

WEBE Wellness: Easy Ways To Be More Liked By Others

WEBE Wellness: Easy Ways To Be More Liked By Others

We all want to be liked. But if you want people to like you even more, there are three easy things you can do.

First – be seen often. Being seen by people more often makes them more likely to enjoy being around you. And that also means, when you’re working from home, you have your camera on during a Zoom meeting!

Also, ask questions – when having conversations, research shows that people who ask questions are liked more by who they’re talking to. It shows that you value what they have to say, and that’ll make the more likely to want to hang out.

Finally, don’t forget to smile! People who smile often are perceived as competent and more attractive, and, unfortunately, it’s true that people are more likely to want to be around someone they consider attractive.

Image Credit: jacoblund / iStock / Getty Images Plus

WEBE Wellness: Flat Vs. Carbonated Water – Which Is Healthier?

WEBE Wellness: Flat Vs. Carbonated Water – Which Is Healthier?

You already know drinking water is important to maintain health and hydration. But if you prefer sparkling to flat water, it might be damaging your teeth!

Carbonated water is just as hydrating, but the fizzy water may not be giving you a nutrient you need. Carbonated water doesn’t have the fluoride that tap water has. So, your teeth aren’t being protected.

However, if you use a product like SodaStream, you’ll get the fluoride, but if it’s all you drink for hydration – the carbon dioxide in the bubbles lowers the pH level in your mouth, which makes your saliva more acidic, and that’s bad for your enamel too!

Another side effect of carbonated water is you can feel more bloated, which may make acid reflux worse.

Now it’s not as bad for your teeth as colas or juices are, but it shouldn’t be the primary way to hydrate – flat water is still best. And it’s a lot less expensive too!

Image Credit: hayatikayhan / iStock / Getty Images Plus

WEBE Wellness: When To Exercise For Better Sleep

WEBE Wellness: When To Exercise For Better Sleep

If you want a healthier lifestyle, you need to exercise regularly, as well as plenty of rest and recovery. Sleep is a pillar of health, and we need enough so that we’re not irritable, groggy, and are able to exercise efficiently. And regular exercise is important so that we sleep better.

But when’s the best time to exercise to promote better sleep?

Researchers found that exercise completed with at least two hours before bedtime gives the most benefits, including falling asleep easier, and having a longer deep sleep.

For those in the study who exercised with less than two hours before going to bed, their sleep schedule was negatively impacted – it took longer to fall asleep, and they slept less.

Those who didn’t exercise regularly got the biggest benefit – after an exercise session, they fell asleep the fastest. And as for the type of exercise that led to the best sleep, cycling.

The study showed that everyone should listen to their own body – if they’re a morning person, evening exercise may keep them up, and night owls may not get the sleep benefit if they exercise early in the day. The trick is to keep things consistent, no matter what time of day, for the best rest.

Image Credit: monkeybusinessimages / iStock / Getty Images Plus

WEBE Wellness: Why You Wake Up Still Feeling Tired

WEBE Wellness: Why You Wake Up Still Feeling Tired

When you woke up this morning, did you feel like you could go right back to bed for another night’s sleep?

There are a few reasons why you might be waking up too tired:

First, if you have a sedentary lifestyle where you sit all day and don’t exercise, your body may be too used to it, so you’re exhausted when you must do something. Try to get 2 and half hours of physical activity during the week.

If you think you can get by on 7 hours of sleep, you might simply need more – not all of us need the same amount, some of us need more than others.

Also, staying up late on the weekends and thinking you can sleep in to catch up doesn’t work either – you’re just shifting things around, and basically, you’re giving yourself jet lag.

Make sure you’re properly hydrated – not drinking enough water will make us feel tired, less alert, and more fatigued.

And finally, it could be the other person in the bed – snoring, tossing and turning, or getting into bed at a different time – that goes for pets too.

Image Credit: lakshmiprasad S / iStock / Getty Images Plus

WEBE Wellness: Why You Should Take A Nap This Weekend

WEBE Wellness: Why You Should Take A Nap This Weekend

Have you been feeling off lately? Not getting as much rest as you feel like you need? Well, this weekend may be the best weekend to take a nap. There are a few reasons why napping is actually good for our health:

First, it can recharge your brain. Studies show that napping improves our memory, and people who take afternoon naps have better mental agility.

It can lower our risk for heart problems – one or two naps a week can lower our risk for heart attack or stroke.

And it might help get us in shape – the more sleep-deprived we are, the more likely we are to consume sugar, fatty foods, and caffeine.

Finally, napping can boost our creativity as the right side of our brain, the side that handles creative tasks, remains active while we nap.

Image Credit: fizkes / iStock / Getty Images Plus