WEBE Wellness: Steps To Take For More Restful Sleep

WEBE Wellness: Steps To Take For More Restful Sleep

The first day after the weekend gives some of us a case of the Mondays – but you feel that way every day, there are some things that may be to blame that you can correct.

The most common reason we’re tired is simple fatigue – not getting enough sleep after a busy weekend. But if you’re constantly fatigued, let your doctor know in case they may find an underlying reason.

Also, if you’re too sedentary, it’ll make you tired – we need at least 2 1/2 hours of physical exercise per week.

If you’re anxious or depressed, it can be draining. And if you don’t get a consistent sleep schedule, that can affect you too.

Plus, make sure you drink enough water. Dehydration can make you tired, no matter what time of year.

Also, make sure your bedroom is conducive for sleep – a dark, cool room – and keep your phone away at night, along with alcohol and caffeine shortly before bed.

Hopefully, with some easy changes, you’ll start to find yourself more rested!

Image Credit: Tero Vesalainen / iStock / Getty Images Plus

WEBE Wellness: Why You Shouldn’t Skip Breakfast

WEBE Wellness: Why You Shouldn’t Skip Breakfast

You know the adage – breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But it’s not just a saying – a new study has revealed just how true it really is!

Adults who skip breakfast don’t simply miss out on a lot, but it’ll affect their choices for the rest of the day.

No matter what your breakfast may be – skipping it will make you miss out on necessary nutrients – like calcium from milk, vitamin C from fruit, and vitamin D and iron from various cereals.

The habit of regularly skipping breakfast could increase the risk of weight gain and other illness like diabetes or cardiovascular disease. And those who skipped the meal ended up eating bigger lunches or dinners, but still didn’t get all of the nutrients they needed that they missed out on.

And those who did eat breakfast generally chose healthier lunches and dinners too.

So the best dietary decision you can make for your entire day is to start it off right!

Image Credit: Arx0nt / iStock / Getty Images Plus

WEBE Wellness: Need Motivation? Talk To Yourself!

WEBE Wellness: Need Motivation? Talk To Yourself!

It happens to us all – sometimes we need a little extra motivation. But if there’s no one around and you need a self-pep talk, refer to yourself as “you” and not “I”.

A new study found that when talking to yourself in the second person – like “you can do this” – running performance improved.

Psychologists think this works better because if you say “I can do it” – there’s a better chance that your brain will respond with “I can’t do it” – and that will lead to a lessened performance.

Pretend you’re giving someone else a pep talk, and you just may see the results you want!

Image Credit: Bastian Weltjen / iStock / Getty Images Plus

WEBE Wellness: Walking When Running

WEBE Wellness: Walking When Running

If this nice stretch of weather has you enjoying the outdoors, running more, keep it up! But if you need to stop and walk occasionally, don’t worry about it – in fact, it’s good for you!

Whether your goal is to build distance or conserve energy for the long haul, plenty of runners take walk breaks. It lets you recover without having to lose time, especially if you’re involved in a 5K race and trying to break your previous time. Researchers have found that a combined run/walk strategy allows everyday runners achieve similar times, and with far less discomfort.

Walking comes in particularly handy when encountering hills. It takes less overall aerobic effort, and in some cases, can even be faster than running up them. Plus, a hill becomes a lot less daunting if you reframe it as your walking break.

But remember, if you end up walking overall more than you’re running, you may be able to go farther, but you won’t find your race times improving. Your best bet is to try an easier run.

Image Credit: VTT Studio / iStock / Getty Images Plus

WEBE Wellness: How To Combat Monday Dread

WEBE Wellness: How To Combat Monday Dread

It’s the start of a new work week, but did you dread it all day yesterday with a case of the “Sunday scaries”?

That’s when you’ve got anxiety about the week ahead – it starts in the middle of the day when you realize the weekend is nearly over, builds throughout the evening, and may even keep you up at night.

But there are some ways to beat it:

First, don’t leave half-finished tasks for Monday. If you didn’t finish a project on Friday, you’ll be dreading those loose ends through the weekend – if it’s a bigger project, try to complete a task before you leave for the weekend.

Also, think positively about the things that are coming up that week – if work gives you the anxiety, think about non-work things that you can look forward to – lunch with a friend, or dinner plans during the week.

Finally, write things down. If you’re not sure why you’re uneasy, writing your thoughts down can help you figure it out.

Image Credit: Image Source / DigitalVision