Some helpful tips! Listen…

Some helpful tips! Listen…
Simple! Listen…
You do what you can to avoid high blood pressure. But when you go in for your physical, are you getting it measured correctly?
Johns Hopkins University researchers did a study and found some high blood pressure diagnoses have been wrong because of how your arm is positioned when doctors put the cuff on.
They looked at when your arm is supported on a desk, when it’s on a patient’s lap, and when it’s hanging at the side – and the best way to do it is when an arm is on a desk or table and the cuff is at heart level.
This is how it’s set when you use the machine at the grocery store, and how it’s been recommended for many years, but not every doctor’s office does it that way. And it makes a big difference. By as much as seven points it can misdiagnose hypertension, which may make a doctor prescribe medication you may not need.
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It works too! Listen…
When you need medicine, you go to your doctor, get a prescription, and you pick it up at the pharmacy. But if you don’t have the time to get something from behind-the-counter, a new list is out – the annual “Over-the-Counter Guide” – and it’s what pharmacists recommend for common ailments:
If you’ve got a headache, reach for the Tylenol – they recommend it over Advil.
Your best bet for allergies is Claritin – and Children’s Claritin for kids too.
It’s flu season again, and Theraflu is what you’ll need.
Sunscreen is probably on sale, and pharmacists say that Neutrogena is best for your skin.
And finally, the one product we all buy a lot more of than we used to – the best hand sanitizer is Purell.
So, stock up now and you’ll be set for the next time you don’t feel well!
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A perfect touch! Listen…
When you want minerals, proteins, and healthy fats, any variety of nuts are some of the best snacks you’ll find – and that goes for nut butter as well.
But while there’s certainly a taste difference, is one better than the other – is almond butter better than peanut butter?
When it comes to calcium, almond butter has nearly seven times more than peanut butter, and about three times the amount of vitamin E. But for other vitamins and minerals like iron, magnesium, and potassium, you’ll find the same amount.
When it comes to fat, almond butter has about two grams more total than peanut butter.
So, while almond butter is probably the healthier overall, if you grab either, you’ll find plenty of health fats, protein, and plenty of minerals that you need.
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It’s something that could work! Listen…
If you have trouble falling asleep and you’ve tried absolutely everything, it may be time to take yourself away and go somewhere happy.
Research shows thinking back on a happy memory may help – but you have to really put yourself in that memory.
Recreating the experience in your mind is known as savoring – and it doesn’t matter what the memory is, if it’s a happy one, but you need to go beyond closing your eyes – you must imagine you’re there.
Say you think of the beach – you have to imagine the sun and warmth, the feel of the sand, the sound of the waves – and if done correctly, it helps you de-stress and keeps you calm.
Pick the memory in advance and practice through the day, because it may be hard at first. But once you get going, a deeper sleep awaits!
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Breakfast is the most important meal of the day – and one of the best things you can eat for breakfast is oatmeal.
Packed with plenty of fiber, it helps with heart health, it helps with longevity – but there’s not much too it so you may find yourself hungrier faster shortly after eating. So, there’s something you can easily do to make it even better for you!
Just add some peanut butter – that’s it! It’s got protein, it’s got good fats, and it’ll help get you to lunch. That’s because it takes fats longer to digest, so you’ll feel fuller. And even though there are some natural proteins in the oats, it’s minimal – and you really want to try for 20 to 30 grams of protein per meal anyway – so a tablespoon or two of peanut butter will go a long way.
And while the recipe may call for water to mix the oatmeal, milk will also give you added fat and protein.
And if you’re not a peanut butter fan, try almond butter – or seeds, protein powder, yogurt – even bacon and a fried egg!
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