WEBE Wellness: The Healthiest Foods At Thanksgiving

WEBE Wellness: The Healthiest Foods At Thanksgiving

If the big meal on Thanksgiving is giving you anxiety about how you can still enjoy yourself when you encounter all the rich foods on Thursday, but maintain healthy eating habits, there’s good news – you can!

It all depends on what you load up on your plate – here are your nutritious best bets:

Brussels sprouts – more than any other green veggies, they’ve got the most anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties – so whether they’re roasted or sautéed, grab them any way you can.

Cranberries are loaded with antioxidants – but make sure you get the whole berries; you won’t get the same benefit from the jellied sauce from the can.

Pears have similar health benefits as apples and are rich in fiber — about 20% of your daily needs — and a variety of vitamins and minerals Look for them in either your salad or dessert course.

All nuts are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, healthy fats, protein, and fiber, but pecans are the ones you’re most likely to see on Thursday.

And finally, one of the best ways to get anti-inflammatory antioxidants and vitamins is to grab sweet potatoes instead of mashed russets.

Image Credit: bhofack2 / iStock / Getty Images Plus

WATCH: WEBE108 SmartMLS Great Fairfield County Food Drive

WATCH: WEBE108 SmartMLS Great Fairfield County Food Drive

Thank you to everyone who donated to our WEBE108 Smart MLS Great Fairfield County Food Drive 🦃🥫 The Food Bank of Lower Fairfield County,Inc. and Bridgeport Rescue Mission will be able to help feed so many this holiday season thanks to your help! Thank you to our partners Genesis of Ridgefield, East Haven & Ridgefield Building Supply and Palmer’s Market

WEBE Wellness: Getting More Sleep

WEBE Wellness: Getting More Sleep

If you feel like you haven’t had a decent night sleep in a while, you’re not alone – two-thirds of adults say they haven’t had a complete, uninterrupted night sleep since they were a teenager!

A new study shows that most of us get about five hours of sleep per night – far less than the 7 to 9 hours recommended for adults by the National Sleep Foundation.

But even though we like to say we’ll “catch up” on our sleep over the weekend, most of us find our ability to sleep in drops off around age 25.

It may be a challenge, but prioritizing sleep is one of the best things we can do to help prevent illness, boost memory, and improve mood. But despite knowing this, it’s still a challenge to actually do.

There are supplements when we need help that have sleep-enhancing ingredients, like magnesium which help the body’s production of melatonin, or Valerian Root and Lemon Balm Leaf, which have antioxidants to support a calm and relaxed mood and you should be able to sleep like when you didn’t have real responsibilities!

Image Credit: AndreyPopov / iStock / Getty Images Plus

Congrats Diane! Winner Of The WEBE108 Bigelow Tea 5 Question Quiz!

Congrats Diane! Winner Of The WEBE108 Bigelow Tea 5 Question Quiz!

Diane from Watertown won $$968 Thursday, November 21 by answering all five questions of the WEBE108 Bigelow Tea 5 Question Quiz correctly! Here are all the questions and correct answers.

Q1: The names on a mailbox became world famous!

A: Hall and Oates. The names on a random mailbox of their first apartment.

Q2: For less than $15, this item made history!

A: A broke laser pointer, the first item sold on eBay for $14.83.

Q3: New York is the only one!

A: The only state in the union that ends with a K.

Q4: What do Captain Crunch, Tony the Tiger and the Trix Rabbit have In common?

A: Their eyes look downward on the boxes for eye contact with kids.

Q5: CT has more than 60 of these!

A: Varieties of apples for picking!