WEBE Wellness: Decluttering For The New Year

WEBE Wellness: Decluttering For The New Year

This is the perfect weekend to take stock of things that you don’t need anymore. You might have some things hanging around the house that you can get rid of that will take a load off your mind, immediately helping your physical and mental well-being.

The new year is the perfect time to get rid of old documents – bank and credit card statements should be shredded, but also get rid of old takeout menus, junk mail, and expired coupons that you stuck in a drawer and forgot about.

Look through your cabinets – Tupperware you can’t find the lid for, or chipped drinking glasses should all go.

Open the fridge – it’s a new year, so any condiments that have 2024 (or older) can go right in the trash.

Look through your closets – clothes that are worn out, don’t fit, or was a gift you’ve never used can all be donated – if you’ve gone more than a year without wearing it, you probably don’t need it.

And finally look in the junk drawer – pens that don’t have ink, dead batteries, out of date phone chargers – you don’t need them.

Image Credit: Phoenixproduction / iStock / Getty Images Plus

WEBE Wellness: The Best Ways To Boost Your Immune System

WEBE Wellness: The Best Ways To Boost Your Immune System

With the cold weather starting to settle in, you might be looking for a way to boost your immune system.

The good news is there are easy changes you can make to get through the winter.

The first step is to add more antioxidants to your diet, and you can find them in a lot of fruits, like citruses, pomegranates, and berries.

If you take a coffee break in the afternoon, try green tea instead – it helps with metabolism, reduces the risk of cancer, and helps with brain health – and it boosts immunity too!

Have more green veggies – the ones loaded with vitamin C – spinach, kale, broccoli, and green beans all help with immunity.

Also, get more sleep – beyond food, good quality sleep helps with overall health, and gives your immune system the best chance at fighting illness and infection.

Finally, stay hydrated – drink plenty of water because being dehydrated slows the immune system down.

Image Credit: Maglara / iStock / Getty Images Plus

WEBE Wellness: Keeping Up With Resolutions

WEBE Wellness: Keeping Up With Resolutions

Did you make a new year’s resolution? If you did, you’re in the minority – only about a quarter of us made resolutions for this year, and most of those are under 30.

The reason why as you get older you don’t make resolutions is probably because, year after year, 80% of resolutions fail, and you’re over it!

If you really want to make a resolution stick, you must stick with it – we don’t turn new habits into old habits until we do it every day for at least two months.

So how do you make resolutions stick?

First and foremost, start small, and make your goals manageable. Write them down and put them somewhere you can see them, like on your bathroom mirror. And celebrate those small victories as you go along.

Stick with it, and you’ll defy the odds by keeping those resolutions!

Image Credit: Fokusiert / iStock / Getty Images Plus

WEBE Wellness: Breaking That Afternoon Slump

WEBE Wellness: Breaking That Afternoon Slump

Earlier today, did you hit that afternoon slump at work? You’ve made it through lunch, but all of a sudden things start really dragging?

It happens to most of us right around 3pm – and usually lasts for about a half an hour.

There’s a number of causes – everything from the caffeine wore off from your morning coffee, you’re bored, you need an afternoon snack, or you’re just still tired from a general lack of sleep.

Sitting at your desk for a while and not taking breaks also contributes to it – and that’s usually the first thing we do to break the slump. Or, if you work from home, you might be able to take a nap to get recharged.

Image Credit: dangrytsku / iStock / Getty Images Plus

WEBE Wellness: The Benefits Of A “Dry January”

WEBE Wellness: The Benefits Of A “Dry January”

A trend that’s started over the last few years online is something called “Dry January” – where you abstain from alcohol for the entire month after all the celebrating of the last few weeks. If you want to avoid temptation this weekend, just remember the good things that happen to your body when you go alcohol free for a month.

First, your risk of cardiovascular disease drops – when alcohol metabolizes it leads to bad cholesterol, which can lead to clogged arteries.

You may also reduce your cancer risk – there have been links between alcohol consumption and several types of cancer, including liver, esophageal, breast, and colorectal cancer.

Cutting alcohol also may help you cut weight – beyond the calories, but especially if you cut out mixed drinks that are full of sugars.

Plus, you can get a better night’s sleep and you may feel happier – since alcohol is a depressant.

So, if you’re sticking with your Dry January goals this month, you may just find a lot of reasons to continue when the month is over!

Image Credit: Yana Tikhonova / iStock / Getty Images Plus

WEBE Wellness: Daily Health Resolutions

WEBE Wellness: Daily Health Resolutions

We made it to 2025! Have you made – and already broken – your New Year’s resolutions?

That’s okay – you get a one day pass! But starting now, there are four easy daily resolutions you can make that will get your health immediately back on track.

First – floss your teeth every day. Hopefully you brush twice a day, but flossing is just as important. Only 1/3 of us do it daily, and without it, you miss out on nearly 40% of the food that gets trapped between your teeth.

Make sure you also stand and move every hour. Many of us have sedentary jobs, sitting at desks, and a lack of movement can lead to higher risks of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and early mortality. A helpful tip – set an alarm to go off every hour to take a quick break.

Express gratitude. Find things to be grateful for every day, whether you keep it in a personal journal, or you personally thank someone in your life – gratitude is an instant mood booster.

Finally, if you’ve got a pet, spend more time cuddling with them. It immediately reduces your stress and anxiety, and they’ll appreciate it too!

Image Credit: Cn0ra / iStock / Getty Images Plus