Congrats Diane! Winner Of The WEBE108 Bigelow Tea 5 Question Quiz!

Congrats Diane! Winner Of The WEBE108 Bigelow Tea 5 Question Quiz!

Diane from Watertown won $$968 Thursday, November 21 by answering all five questions of the WEBE108 Bigelow Tea 5 Question Quiz correctly! Here are all the questions and correct answers.

Q1: The names on a mailbox became world famous!

A: Hall and Oates. The names on a random mailbox of their first apartment.

Q2: For less than $15, this item made history!

A: A broke laser pointer, the first item sold on eBay for $14.83.

Q3: New York is the only one!

A: The only state in the union that ends with a K.

Q4: What do Captain Crunch, Tony the Tiger and the Trix Rabbit have In common?

A: Their eyes look downward on the boxes for eye contact with kids.

Q5: CT has more than 60 of these!

A: Varieties of apples for picking!