Pete from Shelton won $1,548 this morning by answering all five questions of the WEBE108 Bigelow Tea 5 Question Quiz correctly!
Here are all the questions and correct answers.
Q1: You might have had one growing up!
A: A nickname.
Q2: It’s not rude if you don’t do this.
A: Leave a voice message.
Q3: What do Fairfield and Norwalk have in common?
A: John Mayer went to school in both places (Warde and Brian McMahon).
Q4: When you are here, you are all the same height!
A: At the podiums on Jeopardy! (There are risers so they can keep contestants’ heads even for the camera).
Q5: Every school bus has at least one!
A: Black line. (On the sides. Shows where the students are inside, seats and feet will be each line).
Supported by Bigelow Tea