WEBE Wellness: Improve Your Mood…For Free!

Wellness instead of stress. Hand turns a dice and changes the word "stress" to "wellness".

WEBE Wellness: Improve Your Mood…For Free!

Your workday is over! But if that doesn’t excite you, there’s a few easy things you can do to further improve your mood and, best of all, it’s free!

Send a message to someone you haven’t spoken too in a while – even if it’s a meme, reconnecting with a friend is always a mood booster.

Make an errand list. It may not seem fun, but if you can organize them and start crossing them off, you’ll feel better with each one that gets off the list, and the lack of procrastination will help reduce stress.

Check your vacation balance. You may have to ask HR how many days you’ve got left but knowing that amount will help you to start thinking and visualizing that vacation.

Lastly, and since it’s the end of the workday you might be doing it already – watch relaxing videos. Nature videos are good, to increase feelings of joy, amusement, and curiosity and reduce feelings of fatigue, anger, and stress.

See? There’s a reason why cat videos are so popular!

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