WEBE Wellness: Burn More Calories In Ten Seconds

Runner feet running on road closeup on shoe. Young athlete on sunset run at park

WEBE Wellness: Burn More Calories In Ten Seconds

If just the thought of working out sounds exhausting, you might be excited to hear about a new way to work out – just 10 seconds at a time!

A new study shows taking breaks and doing 10 second bursts of cardiovascular exercise actually burns more calories than going non-stop. And not just a little amount – 60% more! They found our bodies burn more calories as you gear up to exercise, once you are underway, things level off.

However, the trick is to still do the same distance as you would normally, so the drawback is that it will take you a lot longer to accomplish the task.

So, while it’s a bit impractical, if you do need to take an extra break while working out, feel free to do so, since you’ll still be burning those calories!

Image Credit: uzhursky / iStock / Getty Images Plus