WEBE Wellness: Home Surfaces You Should Be Cleaning (But Aren’t!)

A woman worker cleaning with antivirus wet wipe a laptop and a working office desk before starting work for protect herself from bacteria and virus.

WEBE Wellness: Home Surfaces You Should Be Cleaning (But Aren’t!)

We’re at the halfway point of the year, and have you not cleaned your home in a while? Well take stock because there’s a lot of stuff we overlook in our regular cleaning.

A new study shows that the handle of your coffee maker has more bacteria than your toilet seat!

The study did swab tests on every day usage items like bathroom faucet handles, doorknobs, TV remotes, and found traces of staphylococcus and e. coli.

The highest levels of bacteria were found on kitchen faucet. But these bacteria can be found everywhere.

Most of us when cleaning will do a good job of the things we expect to be dirty, like the sink or tub or toilet, but we ignore lots of bacteria hot spots. Among the items most of us never clean – your keys (you touch them every day!), remote controls, your computer keyboard and mouse, your phone, light switches, door handles – especially the outside of the front door, video game controllers, cupboard handles, and the stair railings.

So, add them to your chore list!

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