WEBE Wellness: The Body Part You Forget To Exercise

Close up side view beautiful female feet with perfect smooth skin standing tiptoe on warm wooden floor with underfloor heating, barefoot young woman walking at home, enjoying morning, relaxing

WEBE Wellness: The Body Part You Forget To Exercise

You go to the gym and you work out your arms, your legs, your back – you do lots of stretching and cardio – you’ve got your whole body covered.

Except there’s one part of your body that you use all the time that you’re probably neglecting in a workout – your feet! There are 26 bones, 30 joints, and more than 100 muscles that all get used day in and day out that never get the attention they need!

For those of us who like to run and walk, paying attention to our feet is especially necessary. The first thing is to make sure you’ve got the proper footwear. Different shoes for short or long runs, or road or trail running should all be taken into consideration.

You can even do simple foot exercises – sit in a chair with your legs bent 90 degrees and pull a towel towards the top of your foot by scrunching your toes. Or sit barefoot in a chair and pick marbles off the floor with your toes. The increase in flexibility will go far.

You can also try barefoot running – don’t do it on the pavement, but if you can make it to the beach or on grass. And also, when you do your regular exercises like squats or lunges, if you use an unstable surface, it’ll help with your feet as well as overall balance.

Lots of options to strength your feet – and the rest of your body will thank you for it!

Image Credit: fizkes / iStock / Getty Images Plus