So, growing up in Norwalk, before SONO was SONO, you pretty much knew everyone. You’d go shopping at the local ma and pa stores, well, because there were no big box stores. And as for high school, Central Catholic High School, it was the same. And between going to church and going to school, there was always an Aitoro with me. And going to Aitoro’s on Westport Ave in Norwalk was a big deal. Getting a new TV, or one of the first CD players, it was “go to Aitoro’s”. And now, fast forward to 2020, and there is still an Aitoro with me, Tony Aitoro, of Aitoro Appliances of Norwalk. From seeing Tony and his cousins David, Donna and Maria all during my CCHS years to today. Tony is Tony A! And its still the place to go for the latest and best. And this week and next week, Aitoro’s is sponsoring my WEBE108 Morning Hack, where I pass along some terrific time savers and tips. So join me around 8:08 every morning, for my grilling hacks, in honor of Aitoros amazing selection of grills and smokers! Lifelong friends, together again! Thanks Tony!